Fortunately, they included Deckard's Gun. UNfortunately, they decided not to really show a clear shot of it.
io9. We come from the future.
io9. We come from the future.
good call :thumbsupRobocop's Auto 9 would be a good one for the list.
Flaming youth will set the world on fire!
That is one frighteningly clean shop lol. I agree the RPF version of that list would have different ways of listing. You could even do various genre guns.
Dude, it's a sickness; you have no idea. :wacko
OK, I am now totally embarrassed. I am currently working on a prop of Dante Montana’s main shotgun thing….:unsureNot a single gun from Spacehunter?
I'm kidding
They need to rethink that list a tad.