To paint or pay to paint? - Trek Ship


Sr Member
I am contemplating purchasing the Starcraft Steamrunner model. While I am confident that I could build this model well, I am horrible at painting.

I don't plan to make many more models so I was wondering if it was a good idea to try to find someone to build up this model for me and paint it, or build it myself and find someone willing to paint it?

Anyone have any thoughts about this, or advice? (manufacturer/distributor's images: )



There are certainly people here that could paint that up for you. and while I have had soem of my models painted form me in the past I ususally am more satisfied with the results when I do it myself... there have been exceptions :cool

At first look that particular Trek paintjob doesn't look too difficult... Its the Azteking stuff that drive me up a wall... I tihnk I'd probably try that one myself. It looks to be 4 main colors with a few more used on detail plieces... Masking tape patience and some tamiya spray cans should do the trick ;)

Good luck,
Jedi Dade
I like to paint them myself also. Although I like prepainted stuff also, it just means more when you put your blood, sweat, and pain into it!
You know, when the hobby knife slips and gashes your hand!:lol
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Here's a question, since I can't tell from looking at the pics, are the grey shaded areas within panel lines, or are they "free floating"?

If they're constrained by panel lines, you may be able to paint it yourself fairly easily. All you'll need to do is mask, using the panel lines as reference. If they're free floating, you're going to have a heck of a time. Because then, you'll have to map out each shape and then do the symetrical design on the other side. Let me tell you, it's not fun.
