To horde a resource or to share a resource??


Sr Member
It is nice to have a special place where you and you alone can get things or work done no one else has.

But in today tiring times you run the risk of the resource going under, so sharing can help keep them around for you own future.

I am at that point with my metal casting shop.

They are running tight and IF I share they will get more work and stay around for all of us to use.

So we can do this two ways, you can run the work thought me, that way I can advise you and perhaps help get it into production.

OR I can just turn you on to them and let you do all of it with them.

Either way email me for information.

By the way these are the guys that did my Jayne's Gun, my Metal PPG and my CS&T Blaster castings.
Of all the 25 years I have been working with cast parts these guys are the best I have ever found.

PS I wish they would fix this so I can import text from Word and not have it to fix it like this.

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I'd say post the resource, but only after you talk to them and strike a deal that they don't make your stuff for anyone else.

I'm sure the rest of the board could think of TONS of new things to keep them busy! :love

OK They are:

Pewter Tech, Phoenix AZ. And the phone number is:


Tell them Richard Coyle sent you.

This is one of the reasons I'm getting into hobby casting. For a fairly low investment, you can cast most any prop that is up to the size of what ever you melt in. The most common metal casted by hobbiest is aluminium, easy to find, and easy to melt, you just need 1200F to melt it.
I do a lot of work with pewter. Nice and easy, low melt point and you can get away without a centrifuge for a lot of jobs.
well with my forge i dont have any heat issues, i wonder if it would take anything more to start casting myself.