Timelord screen used props!

Do you guys have any target date for completion? The more I see the more anxious I am to see the final product.

The best I can say is 2008. We hope by the end of summer. season 4 will be done of the current BBC series, and we'll have a year before series five airs, so. our's may help 'fill in the void' a bit....:)
Here's a couple more props. The pics came out a bit dark, but I don't feel like taking them again! :lol

The movie files are low tech too, from my digital camera.

But, you'll get the point.

1st up an "alien" power coil, which plays a prominant part in the movie. You'll notice the TOS influence if you look closely.




And an AVI file of it in action

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Quick update. A little more work on the console. Green screens in place. The dark think on the control panel is a TOS inspired panel with cube buttons. It will be back lit.




I have never seen a mock up of the old backup control room console. Are you going to try to add the brass details also? I can not wait to see this video. :eek
Not too much of an update. But we began to build our TARDIS console room set. It will take a few weeks to finish, then we begin to film all of those scenes. I did get to see some of the footage that was filmed last month, it wasn't edited into a scene, but we got a good feel of how it's going. So far it looks really good. Our director said we're still behind in building a website just because he's been so swamped with work, but he was talking about editing together a five minute scene that introduces the Doctor to his companion and putting it up on youtube for the time being.
Lastly, we're negotiating another location shoot. We're trying to get permission in a local airplane hangar to use as our Area 51 set. Hopefully!
I hope that I will be able to direct everyone to a youtube link in the next few weeks.
Just a bit of an update. The console room is under construction. I SO BADLY want to spill some major beans about it, but I can't! Arggg.

But, we do have some major coolness to share! The first SCREEN SHOTS from filming. These are from the same scene where the Doctor exlains to Violet what a sonic screwdriver is and how it works.

We'll be putting the sonic up on eBay in a week or two to try and help raise some funds to continue building the console room. We had two sonics for filming, the one we're going to sell is the one used in this scene in these grabs. Enjoy!




Thank you. We'll probably sell those too after we've done the scene with them. This film is starting to cost more than we thought it would, (Due to the fact we're not wanting a cardboard in the garage look).
I'm having a great time being the property master on this. I've made most everything that we're using. I have had some wonderful donations to the film that I'll be posting about soon. (Thanks to some VERY generous RPF'rs)
There are a LOT of props in this film. More than I thought there would be at first. I wound up being asked to build the TARDIS console and help with set design as well. I didn't have to make the console flawless as the set is going to be dark, think of a candle lit victorian library. So How could I refuse?
The biggest challenge we're facing is the TARDIS itself. We still need to build one, we have a chance at borrowing one that's here in Vegas already, but it has not been confirmed yet. So if we do have to build one, we will have a big prop sale to help finance it. It's a shame that all of us involved have such horrible things as mortgages and bills......
Thanks. Worked on set a bit more tonight. As soon as the pics get emailed, I'll post them. We should be filming in about three more weeks.
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