Time Trax

franz bolo

Sr Member
I remember watching a show called Time Trax in the mid-90's. Are there any props from that show?

I remember a credit card hologram thing.

AHHHH one of my favorite shows. I have been waiting for the dvd's for awhile. There were 2 real props you could make but they would be no problem (except that no one would know they were from the show.)
You could make SELMA (an acronym for Specified Encapsulated Limitless Memory Archive), his computer with holographic interface (who looked and talked like an English nanny) which was disguised for the mission as an AT&T MasterCard.
Lambert was also equipped with a MPPT (Micro-Pellet Projection Tube) disguised as a keyless car alarm remote, which could stun the target or engulf the target in an energy field which would render him transportable to the future, at which point Selma would execute the transmission sequence to send the criminal on his way.
Most of that discription is from the web, I don't really remember all that freakin' detail, the show was only on for 1 year. I did really enjoy it, wached it with my dad. :)
I too liked that show. It never quite got much respect at sci-fi cons though. I think it was more of a guilty pleasure for the few folks who watched it. Did ya know it was produced by Harve Bennett (Star Trek 2-5 producer).

As far as props go the only one I remember was the credit card computer. I guess it would be easy enough to make with a good screen cap for reference.

Of course you could always go the costuming route. Each item the hero wore was from the Smithsonian museum as I recall. It's one of the few sci-fi costumes you could wear out and about without getting weird looks.