Thoughts on Wolverine claws?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Long time lurker, first time posting something. Really really enjoy this place.

Anywhoo, I'm trying to work out the design for some working Wolverine claws, and wanted to get some help.

1. Yes, I've seen the blog of that guy who had exposed claws on a track but I dont care for his version because they're exposed and there's no info on how he did it.

2. I'll be lifecasting hands and forearm, and perhaps the whole arm and the rig will go underneath. Alja-safe + latex here we come.

3. The claws need to extend AND retract. If I just wanted them to extend, an umbrella mechanism or a toy lightsaber rig would work, but I'm looking for them to extend and retract based on a button push. Like a really fast car antenna.

4. I've heard it all before: you're crazy, it cant be done, it would be too expensive, it's impossible, you're crazy, marvel will C&D yo butt...but if you feel you have to warn me, just realize you're not breaking new ground.

Here are some of my initial work-up pictures. Try not to laugh at MS paint. It is your friend.







So...anyone care to offer an idea or two?
I dont have any ideas, but I am all for you brother and God this project would be awesome!

I look forward to seeing you work on it! Please post photos! Good luck, and sign me up when you make a run!
Also if you can came up with a working mechanism of extendable and retractable blades, I'll "steal" it for my assassin's creed hidden blade! That's for sure!:D
I'm sure that there's some way of making them extend/retract. My concern would be with the size of the mechanisim. You're talking about putting this all in a prosthetic sleeve of sorts. I fear that due to the size issues that the finished arm would look like Popeye's. Y'know?
I'm sure that there's some way of making them extend/retract. My concern would be with the size of the mechanisim. You're talking about putting this all in a prosthetic sleeve of sorts. I fear that due to the size issues that the finished arm would look like Popeye's. Y'know?

My friend got intersted in the project and did a more technical drawing:


Quite cool. Of course I'm anticipating that machining that will cost billions. :cry but we'll see. Cross your fingers.
Yeah, I have no doubt that you can do this, but I have to agree with the earlier post. No matter how well you camo this your forearms are going to be abnormally huge!
I don't think it can be done in a movie-accurate sort of way. The prosthetic will end up looking ridiculous because of the size of the movie claws. It would be better executed as a comic-inspired version with skinnier claws.
Bit of a small update:

I had posted a question on awhile back about this project and got an answer on it yesterday. Here's what the guy said:

Here's a motor that should work for your purposes:
I would just get any double pole double throw switch to reverse the leads if you're wanting to reverse the direction.


on that same mouser website I gave you earlier, you can search for the terms "DPDT" and "switch" it will give you many different options and you can pick the one you like best. I can pick one for you, but figured you'd like to choose your preference. If you have trouble finding one let me know.

here is a diagram on how to connect a DPDT switch. the actuator is your motor, the supply is the battery or whatever you use for your power.

Anyone know enough about electronics to help me put the parts together? I'm paying for the parts, of course.
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