Thoughts on Pred breathing


New Member
Sparked by the new rebreather sculpt (lovely work), i was thinking again about Preds and atmospheres. everyone (well, ish...) seems to say the bio helps them breathe Earth's atmosphere. in P2, Pred lost his bio and used a rebreather. here's my thoughts :

firstly, if the bio helps them breathe, where's the tanks to his "air" supply? or where's the filters? it seems to bond to the skin, and the only compressed air type stuff seems to be on the cables to the weapons.
secondly, Preds seem to run about quite happily w/out the bios. no sign of gasping or diminished performance at all. i got thinking about the rebreather, and to me it seemed more logical that it's medical : P2 was established as a little more medically equipped, and perhaps (given all his wounds) this was more of an emergency anaesthetic? or a "hype" type thing, like we would take adrenaline, allowing a wounded Pred to push on through injuries?

there was some cack in the novels about them being methane breathers. that's so stupid - how could they evolve on a methane atmosphere planet? methane is explosive, first attempt to light a fire, never mind have plasma weapons or ship rocket engines, and that's the end of a continent!

seems to me the bio is a battle helmet and that's it. any other opinions?
I was actually thinking about that yesterday after watching P2 again. I was thinking along the lines of something like the morphine enhalers EMT's carry, but I think the adrenalin makes more sense
Thats a good point i think.
It was pointed out to me in the Predators film thred that maybe they just breath a enriched air mix ( more Oxygen than us ) or maybe a trimix etc akin to humans when diving deep.
I think logically the BIOS may just filter out some of the atmospheres Nitrogen, ( they have tubes attatched though so they could very well be adding some sort of gas ) i mean they CAN breath our air, but its comfier for them to clean it up alittle. ( i guess like humans find it harder to breath at altitude.)

The rebreather, could go either way, as he was Injured when he used it, it leans towards medical, but again could be a backup bio type filter thing.

ok now i feel Uber geeky as ive given this way too much thought, i guess thats what happens when you have too much coffee in the monring :D
Good thoughts and ideas, everyone. Gave me new perspective on this. I always read it was supposed to be to assist him losing the bio to get his own atmosphere's needed methane they breathe that we don't have in our atmosphere.
I belive that the bio is a filter as in the first movie some air came out of it and the tubes.So I think Its more of a filter to make the hunter a bit more comfortable.Now the rebreather that can go either way as that really hasn't been anything the directors have ever really gone back to.So who really knows what the rebreather is for but personally in my oppinion it's just another bio to if they lose the other one.
Another possibility is that Preds from different parts of the galaxy may have become accustomed to slightly different atmospheres over the millenia, and some have a little difficulty breathing our air, while others don't. I agree that the P2 rebreather was probably medical in nature. If our atmosphere was even slightly inhibitive to Preds, I don't think they would take their bios off to fight enemies hand-to-hand. Anytime was injured and fought Arnold without his mask in humid tropical air, Wolf was already wounded and had lost a lot of blood when he fought Chet, but his mask was also fractured. Scar fought the queen without his bio in arctic air. If they have different gasses piped into the bios, it may make them immune to our air for a period of time until they have to take another hit from the bio.
I never really gave this much thought before because it seems like a Hollywood addition to make the Predator's vision look cooler and so they could have the air hissing out of the hoses when he took off the mask. But now that I think of it, there may be another idea:

Think of the "filtered air" coming through the hoses as some type of enhancement drug...just like when Bane gets his adrenaline hit, I think the Predator could be breathing a steroid of some sort that gives him crazy energy and stamina. Now imagine that a Pred has been taking more than the recommended dose...hes now addicted to the adrenaline boost and wants to feel that "rush" all the time. That right there is how you create a Bad Blood...
interesting but i don't think so. as i said, the hiss came from cables attached to the weaponry too - i think perhaps more likely is the Preds have some advanced system for control. not electric, so it doesn't need batteries, not hydraulic liquids either; something humans haven't even considered yet.
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