Thorssoli's Ironman MkIII Build - Finished Suit Pics Page 26!!

Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

This afternoon I was finally ready to call the thigh molds done:

I didn't do a great job of setting up the parting wall, so the mold seam will leave a tiny bit of flashing:

Just like the rest of my "rough draft" suit, I rotocast a pair of the new thighs to make sure everything was shaping up right:

I tried to snap a self-portrait with me trying them on, but most of them came out like this:

This is the best one I managed:

Tomorrow I'll be cleaning them up a bit more and getting to work on strapping all of the pieces together. Hopefully I'll have some better pics to show off soon.
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Splendid. I don't know precisely why, but that last picture just seems really exciting to me, sort of a perfect snapshot of the overall project: getting your hands dirty, roughing about in the shop, displaying total focus, using a synergy of high tech and old-fashioned elbow grease, making something extraordinary, augmenting the human form.
Really really cool.
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Just awesome, as a relative noob to costuming, your work is absolutely outstanding and a great inspiration.
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

I'm giving love to those arm covers as I believe you're the first one who did a complete step by step guide on it. Really really useful, made me interested too!
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Pulled the first set of rubber joints yesterday. Here's the elbow mold opened up:

Before opening the mold, it's a good idea to dust the inside of the latex pieces with talcum powder to keep the rubber from sticking to itself. If it does stick, the piece will tear.

Here's the raw latex piece pulled out of the mold:

The piece is about three times as long as the visible gap at the elbow, so I cut it in half:

After spraying it with a liberal coat of Armor-All, here I am trying it on:

Since it looks like they'll work, I went ahead and tinted the next bucket of latex to the proper color:

I know it doesn't look right, but it ends up drying much darker. Here's a bit drying on my hand:

Given the massive change in brightness from wet to dry, it's a huge pain to guess the color right when mixing in the pigment. Still, it looks like it'll work out:

Not that you can tell with the flash...

In other news, I did some prep work on the rough-draft thighs:

The key thing was the installation of the knee joints:

Once those were installed, the next step was to give them their basecoat:

Today I'll continue with adding straps and buckles to make the whole thing wearable. Stay tuned...
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Are you able to bend while wearing the elbow joints? and how about tearing? are they thick enough to avoid that?
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Are you able to bend while wearing the elbow joints? and how about tearing? are they thick enough to avoid that?
They're latex rubber, so they stretch quite a bit. Bending is not problem at all. I tried them on with the bicep and forearm parts and they fit alright but I didn't get any pictures. They're a bit on the thin side, so I'll be pouring three coats on the next pair instead of two.

In other news, last night I decided to try out the new knees:

Here's one of them with the shin fitted as well:

Looks like it'll work.
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Okay, somebody' gotta say it.

I clicked on this thread expecting to see Ironman, and all I am seeing is ironman.

Ironman ironman ironman...

Really, just because you have this awesome shop and you are making magnificent custom parts doesn't detract from the fact that I logged onto an ironman thread expecting to see another ironman thread, and instead, all I am seeing is ironman.

My head is swimming!

Well, nevertheless, I will continue to take the bait and regularly check in on your *so called* ironman thread, hoping, anticipating, perhaps overly optimistic that I will someday get some inspiration looking at your glorious ironman project, despite the fact you deceptively entitled this thread ...well, we all know the title is ARGH!

P.S. - love the thread! Thanks for the motivation!
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

As far do you feel you could wear this for hours ???

Pulled the first set of rubber joints yesterday. Here's the elbow mold opened up:

After spraying it with a liberal coat of Armor-All, here I am trying it on
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

It's a rubber sleeve. It fits snugly, but doesn't cut off circulation or anything like that. Hours? Sure. Mk42? Probably not anytime soon.
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

Fantastic work Sean, always love popping in here to your thread, such a wealth of knowledge being shared and great pictures, the knee joints and the pivot there looks like it's really worked out,I've sent you a PM as well mate.
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

I decided to go ahead and beef up the skinny area on either side of the upper arm:

In all, I'm making the narrowest part about 1/4" wider. This should solve the worst pinch point I'm having on the whole suit.

In other news, I'm prepping parts for paint. To make the painting easier, I've also moved some things around and cleaned up the workshop a bit:

More progress to come. Stay tuned...
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

I do believe that's the most floor I've ever seen in one of your pics. :lol
Re: Just What This Forum Needs: Another Ironman Build

I'm going to be starting a Pepakura MKVII at the end of this week and I'm totally jealous of your Rubber Sleeves, I think you should do a run for the masses.
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