Things you're tired of seeing in movies

One of the worst cases of product placement that I can recall was in Godzilla 1985. In one scene Steve Martin (Raymond Burr, reprising his role from Godzilla, King of the Monsters) is walking down a corridor in a military base somewhere with one of the officers. The corridor is so dimly lit that you can barely see the actors' faces, but at the end of the hallway there's a brightly-lit Dr. Pepper vending machine and the two actors are intentionally and obviously leaving enough space between them for the machine to be seen clearly. :facepalm

I don't actually mind product placement like that. Because we are surrounded by logos. That's part of our modern life. Frankly, I would rather have the logo there than some obviously made-up fictitious brand.

What I hate is when it doesn't represent reality. Like how every transformer suddenly has to be a gmc vehicle. Or when everyone is using the same cell phone brand. Or the waking dead and their damn affliction for hyundai
Worst product placement issues in any movie I've ever seen is 7 UP in "Moonraker".
Seriously, watch the movie and see how many insane ways they put 7 UP into that film!
How about the insane, rage-filled bully who will stop at nothing short of murder (and sometimes, not even then) to get the good guy in the teen movie?
God knows as a frail kid, I had my issues with bullies, but they were always random and the worst I ever got was one black eye in junior high (to this day I have no idea why I got punched by him).
But bullies in movies? Man, they really want to put you in a hospital. They might as well walk around with a shirt that says, "Bad guy" for how realisitic they are. Bullies can be evil, but there can't be too many who ever lived that were this evil, and the ones who might have been would have gone to jail for the stuff they do in those movies. Besides which, if even the frailest and geekiest kid had someone trying to do that much harm to them, they'd pick up a bat after a while.
That is one of the things I don't like about back to the future, Biff Tannen is a rapist and a murderer, and the worst thing that happens to him is once a film he gets covered in manure.
That is one of the things I don't like about back to the future, Biff Tannen is a rapist and a murderer, and the worst thing that happens to him is once a film he gets covered in manure.
Yeah, he's a good example of what I mean. A bully is one thing, but this guy is downright psycho. Nobody would tolerate that for very long. Eventually, someone would do far more than cover him in poop as people simply owuldn't put up with that over such a long timeframe.
How about the insane, rage-filled bully who will stop at nothing short of murder (and sometimes, not even then) to get the good guy in the teen movie?
In some movies the "bad guy" is just as poorly represented. A weak or ridiculously unbelievable villain can really ruin an otherwise good movie.
I grew up around too many psychotic a-holes to think Biff Tannen was unrealistic. Biff was only a slight step into fiction-land. I knew some kids who did stuff practically that bad, and sometimes did real bodily harm to other kids, when they were barely 12-14yo, let alone 17.

And the kids I knew were capable of being far more cruel than Biff ever was. Biff was just a garden-variety "Gimme your lunch money, punk!" type of bully. I knew kids who would make up dirt about other kids' families. Or make up lies to the cops to get innocent kids in trouble. Or pretend to be someone's friend for a while first before turning against them. Etc. A couple of them were really twisted. And each one twisted kid can lead several other mild-jerk followers in a more twisted direction.
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wow....Laserblast.....that's one from the vaults ain't it? I remember that coming on television waaaaaay back when HBO first started. Cool ass gun and a perfectly "so bad it is good" movie.
I grew up around too many psychotic a-holes to think Biff Tannen was unrealistic. Biff was only a slight step into fiction-land. I knew some kids who did stuff practically that bad, and sometimes did real bodily harm to other kids, when they were barely 12-14yo, let alone 17.
Wow. I think I had it pretty good growing up if this was the level of bully you had where you were!
Bullies where I lived must have been lazy as they just weren't that evil (or plotted very hard), at least none that ever messed with me or any friends of mine.
I'd love to go back and tell myself at about the age of 12 that, "If you just really mess one up and make them believe you'll escalate things to a level they want no part of, they'll leave you alone." I figured that out more than halfway through high school, back in the days when if you beat the living 'S' out of someone, the cops didn't come calling at the school. I introduced one to a brick (long story, won't bore you all with it but he totally deserved it) and told his pals I'd break bones on the very next person who [bleep]ed with me. Nobody ever messed with me again.
I got onto this tangent in this thread after recently seeing the movie, "Beth Cooper, I love you," and how crazy the bullies in that movie were. Even my wussy high school self would have picked up a pipe of a bat soon into dealing with that character.
Wow. I think I had it pretty good growing up if this was the level of bully you had where you were!
Bullies where I lived must have been lazy as they just weren't that evil (or plotted very hard), at least none that ever messed with me or any friends of mine.
I'd love to go back and tell myself at about the age of 12 that, "If you just really mess one up and make them believe you'll escalate things to a level they want no part of, they'll leave you alone." I figured that out more than halfway through high school, back in the days when if you beat the living 'S' out of someone, the cops didn't come calling at the school. I introduced one to a brick (long story, won't bore you all with it but he totally deserved it) and told his pals I'd break bones on the very next person who [bleep]ed with me. Nobody ever messed with me again.
I got onto this tangent in this thread after recently seeing the movie, "Beth Cooper, I love you," and how crazy the bullies in that movie were. Even my wussy high school self would have picked up a pipe of a bat soon into dealing with that character.

Oh yes, I can assure you that these people exist and are probably quite common. Back in high school, there was this guy named Mike who was on the football team and he and his friends made it a point to go around and terrorize people, just for the sake of terrorizing them. He would walk into a room and pick someone at random to **** off. I got my turn during summer school, I was in an advance placement class, he... was not. During breaks, there was nothing to do but hang out in the weight room. One day, he just comes over and starts punching me for no reason at all, because he thought it was fun I guess. I backed out of the room and, unfortunately for him, I had been studying martial arts for a couple of years and put his ass on the floor. Unfortunately for me, it was just as the dean of discipline came around the corner and had us both running laps for an hour. We ended up talking and he was really kind of a screwed up guy. We did become friends of a sort and I helped him pass his remedial class and that kept him on the football squad and he never bothered me alone.
women with fake ****, fake lips and other horrific looking plastic surgery. whats wrong with women these days?

Practically everyone in Hollywood gets work done. Most women are starting in their 20s. Some just go farther than others. The "natural" ones are the ones who keep the work more subtle.
women with fake ****, fake lips and other horrific looking plastic surgery. whats wrong with women these days?

Love that Joker!
Practically everyone in Hollywood gets work done. Most women are starting in their 20s. Some just go farther than others. The "natural" ones are the ones who keep the work more subtle.

yeah seems to be they have to. never seen the point of it to be honest. plastic surgery should be used what it got inveted for: making disfigured people from accidents or soldiers be able to look normal. not for women who look perfectly good to get disfigured.

my wife has her breasts removed cause of cancer. she doesnt want implants and i am very happy with that. i rather see the scars than fake breasts. her choice and i would have accepted implants too, just prefer natural better even if natural now are scars.
Big pet peeve of mine: Munitions launched or dropped by airplanes...
  • Movie: A fighter plane strafing the ground, and the bullets are in a very tight, straight line and evenly spaced. Real life: Look at gun camera film from WW2, nobody staffing looks like that. They hit a spot, correct, try again, and the bullets sort of oscillate over/around the intended target. Strafing is done from a high angle for the most part, so you can point the guns at a fixed spot for a few seconds. Going flat across it won't probably get you many hits against it, so why bother doing it that way and risk getting shot down? The only reason you'd strafe like that is if you're trying to suppress some ground fire for a moment or are doing harassment against an enemy, like against a troop formation, port, or large truck park.
  • Movie: A formation of bombers just dropped on a target. Someone is on the ground, watching the bombs come toward them. But the explosions are coming really slowly toward them, so slow you could time them with a calendar. Real life: Bombers drop everything they had as fast as possible, to concentrate onto one spot. Sure, they wouldn't all hit at the exact same moment, but most would hit pretty fast. It'd be over before you really understood what was going on.
  • Movie: You're being bombed and you see the planes coming well in advance and watch in horror as the bombs fall toward you. Real life: You'll see contrails if you happen to notice and the weather is right, and maybe you might catch a glimpse of something in the air, but you won't be sure. And no, you won't see the bombs coming.
Vietnam era to modern day-
  • Movie: A missile fired will chase your plane under bridges, turning 180 degrees, and will hide the bushes and wait for you to land and park the plane after you've gotten away, half an hour after you've landed. Real life: Missiles can track planes, using a variety of seeking technology. But you can dodge them under the right conditions and pilots are well trained to do exactly that. And they don't do a 180 and come back at you. Oh, and they also have a limited fuel source.
  • Movie: Ejection seats seem to take forever to get you out of the plane. Real life: No, they don't. When you're about to crash or every caution and warning light is lit, it'll likely feel like it's taking forever, but an ejection seat will get you free of the plane in a fraction of a second.
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