Things you're tired of seeing in movies

Not sure if we have had this one yet, but seeing skid marks on roads, and then the heroes car slides to a halt right onto them, and its obvious the skid marks where from the previous rehearsals.

Heck, when I used to watch Dukes of Hazzard, those skid marks made me feel down right psychic!
Speaking of the Duke boys... squealing tires in gravel or dirt. :facepalm
Yeah, I'd posted that a while back as well on this thread, you hear that in plenty of TV shows and movies.
As for the Dukes of Hazard, how about how there were always leaves on the ground on well-travelled roads at all times of the year?
Yeah, but we all know it is just a visual aid to let us know they are using it and not just talking into the air. Same way with young Charles Xavier, I mean why does he have to push his temple to turn on his telepathic powers?

Heroes did that really well, the dude just tilted his head and sorta squinted a bit. Was funny when he lost his power and some guy he was trying to control was like "why you doing that weird head thing and giving me a weird look?"
Bullet proof vests that appear from nowhere!
I mean, The hero gets shot, assumed dead but gets up, pulls off shirt to reveal a bulky bullet proof vest that he has been (apparently) wearing all day!
That also works for bras, a woman in a tv show could be swinging free for the whole episode, then as soon as that shirt comes off, suddenly she had a bra on after all.
How about helmets that collapse into nothing? The lost in Space helmet, Stargate's guards and Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy, I'm talking about the masks or helmets fold up until they're completely gone. That's a neat trick but how would you know the helmet was even still there when its folded up if it's completely gone then?
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I really....really...really...(-_-) hate it when they take good characters and turn it into a T.V show, it just ruins the opportunity of a good superhero movie to be made:sick.
Reeeeeeeally super overdue sequels. Was gonna make a new thread about it, but it fits here. Ok let me hypocritical right away, because i cant wait for Ep VII :lol
Movie 1: I fought hard to save the world and got to hook up with my girlfriend!
Movie 2: I broke up with my girlfriend but now I got a new girlfriend!

Writers want us to take these character relationships seriously, but when it comes to the sequel, their relationship is conveniently over so they can have a fresh start or some other mumbo jumbo.

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