The Wolfman 2010 bust finished pics


New Member
Here are a few pics of the finished Wolfman piece. This is 1:1 scale cast in latex with hand laid hair. The hair was a super pain in the neck! I will have this as well as a few other new pieces displayed at Maskfest in Indianapolis in March. So come out to the show!! There should be alot of cool stuff there to see.
Jeremy Bohr
Featured Creatures



That is just.....ridiculously AWESOME!!!!! How long did it take you to hand lay all of the hair?

Incredible work! I wish I had half the talent you do :)
That is awesome!!!! I guess you started right after the movie came out, if you just finished laying in all that hair by hand :lol

Very cool piece! Love the teeth as well.
Thanks for all the kind words. The hair is just synthetic hair that was laid very tightly and blended to make it look as realistic as possible. I also airbrush it once its on to give it more depth and range of color.
Thanks again,