The Walking Dead Season 5 Discussion (Spoilers)

I was VERY surprised and not expecting that with Tyreese. I'm not normally a very reactive person in gestures, but my hands went up to my mouth completely shocked.

Man you just never know and they are good at keeping things moving along. I will definitely miss him on the show.
You would think after this long that the "survivors" on this show would have a system in place for clearing out a 3 bedroom house...

"You wanna go check out your mothers house in a neighborhood crawling with walkers? Sure, but first let's get everyone together to go over there..."

Is it really that hard? Ugh....

You would think after this long that the "survivors" on this show would have a system in place for clearing out a 3 bedroom house...

"You wanna go check out your mothers house in a neighborhood crawling with walkers? Sure, but first let's get everyone together to go over there..."

Is it really that hard? Ugh....


You would think so. But these are the same exact people who have lost 2 serious base camps so far and they've yet to establish some sort of bug out plan/rendevous point in case they have to bug out in a hurry and get separated. Instead, they scatter to the winds and then spend lots of time trying to find each other again and getting into all kinds of trouble while doing so.
Look the 3 most ancient forms of protection for the human body are -
Greaves - protecting the leg from the calf on down.
Vambraces - protecting the arms from at least mid arm to the wrist.
Pauldrons - protecting the neck, upper shoulder, and possibly upper arm.

Give me the following materials -
Tape - packing tape will do, our dear friend Duct Tape even better, with Packing tape with fiberglass in it being the best.
2 liter soda bottles, or in a pinch several magazines - if going with Magazines then glue or glue sticks and Aluminum Foil for layers are a bonus, these are your
Vambraces and Greaves.
An old tire. This is your pauldron (See Mad Max or Demolition man for reference). If you have some bailing type wire or chop up some power cords to make points of articulation so much the better.

With these I can make a set of all the elements of protection that at the least will give me enough time to defend myself and not get bitten as a walkers teeth can't go through layers of tape, plastic, or paper. So many are dead because they haven't even thought of basic protection, Miss Short-Shorts and Midriff shirt being the worst offender. Tyrese was 1 2 liter bottle and some duct tape away from still being alive.
I go over and watch it with my dad every week and he said the same thing about them not having vambraces. They had the riot armor, but lost it.

They should have a plan for clearing buildings. Rick was a cop so surely he would know that. Also did I hear right on the Talking Dead that Tyrese was supposed to be a former NFL player?
Or, you know, don't leave your back turned in a house you know had a walker (or multiples) in it. (He saw the shadows under the door)

I am glad nobody was miraculously alive in the house though. There aren't any happy endings anymore. Plus, Noah is stronger because of it. He showed he can separate the living from the dead and didn't let his emotions get the best of him
Wow. Beth commits suicide by cop and Tyrese goes out like a newb. Next time they decide to do a 'trippy' episode of TWD they should have the characters butcher the writers for this lazy crap. I don't think I've ever known a shows that teeters between compelling and plain dumb so frequently.
It was a terrible episode. First, the god awful art house style. Sucked. Secondly, Tyrese dying? Pathetic. They added another black actor, so they apparently had to kill one to keep the ratio low. It's getting tiresome.
Not a fan of the psychedelic style of that episode. Beth's death was stupid in the previous episode, Tyreese's death was stupid in this one. Time to get this show back on track.

As the wife and I said to each other, we waited three months for that?
You guys are taking away something from a film when you expect them to adhere to your outrageous protection ideas. If everykne was running around kitted up they would probably die from heat exhaustion. Unless you're telling me water is plentiful in that area, and the 90% humidity isn't a factor.

Not only that, but characters would probably be more difficult to identify. Oh the guy with the red helmet is Rick... oh everyone survived because they stickpiled ammo and only left an area once it was compromised. Episodes are boring enough. Then you're removing the walkers entire element of suprise.

Still, Tyrese was always getting lucky, it was just a matter of time
The graffiti on the wall said "Wolves not far" or something like that, and when they crashed into the truck full of torsos, one of them had a "w" carved on his forehead.
I thought this episode was sub-par. It had a couple nice moments, but those were mostly down to the acting (Noah's breakdown and Michonne's burn out on the nomad existence, notably).

However, I have to agree with those who perceive that there's an unspoken "cap" on the number of PoC characters the show is willing to keep in the cast. When Tyrese was bitten, I literally shouted "oh, for ****'s sake, REALLY?!". At this point, the only reason I still watch the show is because my husband still wants to.
Well, if everyone on the show was as smart as we are there would be no show! If they all walked around wearing duct tape armor, there would be no zombie threat, no show. If they had a fortress that was impenetrable, there would be no zombie threat, no show. If the only threat then was from other groups looking to take what they had, it would just be about two or more groups of people shooting at each other.
Did anyone else wonder what was going on with the torsos in the back of the truck? I mean, I get that we saw the limbs at the gated community, but then the reveal of the limbs in the back of that truck? Kinda makes you wonder who, or what, the hell happened, doesn't it?

I lol'd when I saw all those walker tops pop out of the truck topper, I was surprised by how many they were able to stuff in there. They just scattered everywhere like a shopping cart full of cans getting knocked over.

My wife's question about the episode was this. Tyreese sees a mess of dead people talking to him (what was it 6 people?) and none of them were Karen?
I'm so over this, "OMG they killed the black guy" theme. Tyreese was in 35 episodes, this is a sweet spot for eating it on the show. Andrea and Lori were both in 35, Hershel 37. The other sweet spot to die is around 20; Bob 20, The Gov 20, T-Dog 20, Shane 20, Dale 19, and Merle 17. Rosita, Eugene, Abe, and Tara better keep their heads on a swivel this March, Sasha too. (I know there are some flashbacks but there is still a solid 2-3 episode range with these taken out.)
I lol'd when I saw all those walker tops pop out of the truck topper, I was surprised by how many they were able to stuff in there. They just scattered everywhere like a shopping cart full of cans getting knocked over.

My wife's question about the episode was this. Tyreese sees a mess of dead people talking to him (what was it 6 people?) and none of them were Karen?
I'm so over this, "OMG they killed the black guy" theme. Tyreese was in 35 episodes, this is a sweet spot for eating it on the show. Andrea and Lori were both in 35, Hershel 37. The other sweet spot to die is around 20; Bob 20, The Gov 20, T-Dog 20, Shane 20, Dale 19, and Merle 17. Rosita, Eugene, Abe, and Tara better keep their heads on a swivel this March, Sasha too. (I know there are some flashbacks but there is still a solid 2-3 episode range with these taken out.)

It's not that they "killed the black guy". It's that the episode after they introduced another black character as joining the group, they killed Tyreese off. Had they given him another episode or two, I would have less issue with it, personally.
I'm pretty sick of the whole racial thing, too. People just read way too far into it and seems to be a double-edged sword. Their efforts to keep a diverse casting is overshadowed by thoughts like this. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Tyreese had an awesome run and I will miss that character.
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