The Walking Dead Season 5 Discussion (Spoilers)

That same site has such compelling articles as "Exxon Temporarily Shuts Down Niagara Falls For Fracking Operation," and "Kim Jong Un Starring In North Korean Movie About Assassinating US President, Sources Claim." It also quotes Joshua Warren of Fox Networks (AMC is not owned by Fox).

C'mon, folks... :facepalm

You really expect us to read all the other content on websites posted? :lol ;)
A friendly reminder for those one the West Coast and the rest of the world: Avoid Facebook during/after the East Coast viewing, at least until after you see the episode. Same for this thread and any other places of potential spoilers. That is all I'm saying.
What's the deal with putting that other lame show in between Walking Dead and Talking Dead? I'm betting next week it will be gone or on at 11pm.
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo! token black dude is down! its like Tdog all over again

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What's the deal with putting that other lame show in between Walking Dead and Talking Dead? I'm betting next week it will be gone or on at 11pm.

It's the first episode. It's not going to be in between WD and TD all the time, only this Sunday.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo! token black dude is down! its like Tdog all over again

They introduced Noah, Father Gabriel and reintroduced Morgan... That should have been a heads up.

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Did anyone else wonder what was going on with the torsos in the back of the truck? I mean, I get that we saw the limbs at the gated community, but then the reveal of the limbs in the back of that truck? Kinda makes you wonder who, or what, the hell happened, doesn't it?
He can't kill a living threat, nor a dead one. I would have killed him myself. A guy with his hands around a baby's neck, and all you do is beat his ass. Sorry TYme was up for that stiff. Who's next...GM
Good episode, I especially loved all the cameos.

Did anyone else wonder what was going on with the torsos in the back of the truck? I mean, I get that we saw the limbs at the gated community, but then the reveal of the limbs in the back of that truck? Kinda makes you wonder who, or what, the hell happened, doesn't it?

Definitely. (Penny Arcade fans could see it as a nod to the Flesh Reaper, but I doubt that's it :lol.)
When I first saw the bottom halves at the community I wondered "where are the tops"? Definitely something strange going on with that. I'm sure it's a new story plot coming up.

Loved how they "brought Beth back", and the others as well. Very good episode in my book and actually a couple good jumps that have been missing from the show lately.

The Walking Dead is back! Yay!!!!
Is Rick keeping the beard? lol that thing is out of control lol
Anyone know when we will be meeting the spin off characters?
Did anyone else wonder what was going on with the torsos in the back of the truck? I mean, I get that we saw the limbs at the gated community, but then the reveal of the limbs in the back of that truck? Kinda makes you wonder who, or what, the hell happened, doesn't it?

I have a feeling that the attackers mutilated the residents as a message to others as part of a refused protection grift. A survivor of the attack (now walker) in the station wagon did a suicide run at the truck resulting in the odd looking accident.
Either way, seriously dark.
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