So it is basically another remake. You can't do much more than what has already been done in the first one. zzzzzzzzz....
I agree clutch.
I think the studios rely on already owning the rights to all these remakes and not wanting to spend the money to acquire new material and take a chance, a shame because taking chances have produced some of the finest movies and that are now considered Classics.
Look at the studio executives that gave directors like George Lucas (Star Wars), Ridly Scott (Blade Runner), Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather) and many more exceptionally talented directors and screenwriters headaches with there mindless no talent interference. Its sad but they DO control the financing.
Being a big Science fiction fan, its almost criminal seeing great source material left untapped by the studios.
Classic’s by Isaac Asimov, H P Lovecraft, Robert Heinlein, David Brin and Ray Bradbury to name a few.
Some of the authors named have had there works transferred to the big screen, but most IMHO have not been favorably treated by the studios.
Sorry for the hijack. I just wanted to post some issues that I think apply to Hollywood, the studios cry there profits are on the decline and I believe they have no one to blame but themselves. People are getting fed up with sub-standard material that they (the studios) are continually trying to push off on movie goers. all just to turn a quick dollar.
Unfortunately for them, moviegoers are finally taking notice and demanding a better movie going experience for there money spent.