Yeah, but it is still a fun episode.
Problem is that the fun parts don't start until the very end when they realize what they have to do in order to leave. That's not entirely worth sitting through 3/4s of an episode where all our characters do is walk around confused. And anything this episode did that was 'fun' was done a lot better in other works, including in the Star Trek franchise itself. Does "A Piece of the Action" ring any bells? That classic TOS episode takes the Aliens rebuilding 20th century Earth technology and made it a lot more fun without any of the stupid. And even with Data doing his schtick at the end, I would take any episode where he simply deals cards during any of crews' card games. Those were more fun than this.
And one other thing about this episode that I forgot to mention that is so awesome. The rotating door. If your rotating door is going at the same exact speed throughout the shot, why not take advantage of that and do some clever editing trick so that when one character walks in, you can immediately see them coming from the opposite side. Having them go through the whole rotation and being dumbfounded when they end up where they started is basically watching actors act around a visual effect that doesn't exist.
And when your episode has your characters asking "Why?" and we end with Picard saying "Like Fermat's Theorem. We may never know." THAT is when you realize your writer doesn't give a crap about anything.
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