The "Slave 1"

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As far as the whole slave issue goes, this country has a big hang up over slavery and it seems to me that lof of Americans seem to think that slavery was a uniquely American institution and that no other nation or culture in the world ever practiced slavery. They forget that slavery was practiced all around the world by countless cultures for about as long as humans have been around and slavery doesn't have to be race based either. Most cultures enslaved anybody and everybody that wasn't from their nation and/or culture but in the US people seem to think only black people could be slaves. Ignoring the ancient Greeks who enslaved other Greeks, Romans who enslaved anybody not Roman, Arabs, and the list goes on.
We've gotten to the point where a lot of people apparently think that if we wipe all traces of history away, it never actually happened.

Reality doesn't work that way.
Didn't this entire topic get covered in another thread? Just like the ST and PT thread that is also a repeat of those endless debates. Lord knows I've said my piece about both threads in previous ones so I don't really have anything to add that hasn't been covered a million times over.

While there's nothing wrong with the repetition I would urge everyone to be aware that this topic alone is a hotbed of contention and really skirts too close into bannable territory which is why I've tried to stay clear.
Didn't this entire topic get covered in another thread? Just like the ST and PT thread that is also a repeat of those endless debates. Lord knows I've said my piece about both threads in previous ones so I don't really have anything to add that hasn't been covered a million times over.

While there's nothing wrong with the repetition I would urge everyone to be aware that this topic alone is a hotbed of contention and really skirts too close into bannable territory which is why I've tried to stay clear.
You're not wrong. I'm bouncing on this thread. It is interesting though, since the topic intersects the fandom and politics right down the middle.
You're not wrong. I'm bouncing on this thread. It is interesting though, since the topic intersects the fandom and politics right down the middle.

It's a very pertinent topic, no question about it, and one certainly worth having. I just don't want anyone to get cut from the forums over it.
Got an American Indian buddy, LOVED that all those weapons systems and military aircraft honored them. Never cared about baseball team names either. He does NOT like anyone calling him "Chief" however.

Yeah I remember a few years back when people on the Internet figured out that Army helicopters are named after Native Americans and got all offended. There are times to be offended, but that is not the hill to make your stand on. They are named that because they had fierce warriors, hence the AH-64 Apache, UH-60 Blackhawk, OH-58 Kiowa, UH-1 Iroquois, etc. When it's become a hobby (sport?) to be offended, they can't tell when you're honoring someone and when you're being offensive. Even when we're trying to make things right and give people their due, it's offensive. You can't win with the people who see offense everywhere.

I really just hope with all this crap going on, we're hearing the loudest people and not how the majority of Americans believe, because if not we're in trouble.
From the looks of things, if Disney is really changing the name of Slave 1, it's not happened yet because the official Star Wars site is still calling the Slave 1, Slave 1.

From the looks of things, if Disney is really changing the name of Slave 1, it's not happened yet because the official Star Wars site is still calling the Slave 1, Slave 1.

Yeah you would think that would be the first thing to go if they did purge.
Is it actually changed?
Is it not just how the model kits & toys are sold?

It’s still called Slave 1 on the SWdot-com database

I think they’ve just dropped the name for merchandise

We will just have to wait & see if books & comics drop mentioning it


From the looks of things, if Disney is really changing the name of Slave 1, it's not happened yet because the official Star Wars site is still calling the Slave 1, Slave 1.

Yep, that’s what I said 4 pages ago

I think they should change the name of the Millennium Falcon as well. Millennium, discriminates against days, weeks, months, years, decades and centennials. As well as epochs, ages, eras, generations, and periods. Inclusion people, inclusion ! ; )

Make Orwell's 1984, fiction again !
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Did the Falcons give permission for them to use their name? They have rights too! :unsure: (we really need that rolleyes smiley back)
Sorry liked your comment without reading it carefully. What exactly are you rolling your eyes about ?

Oh, you just hit like again, and it removes it. Awesome, carry on ! ; )
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To be honest, I think that modern people, who are fortunate enough to do so, focus on such things as “changes to the name of a fictional starship” to give their minds something to worry about that is small-scale, harmless in nature, and ultimately something with nothing truly hanging in the balance.

The issue of “the name of Boba Fett’s ship” truly harms no one, doesn’t impact the rise and fall of societies, does not impact people’s lives, and most important of all, is an issue that creates minimal stress; in essence, it creates a very effective diversion for the mind.

The alternative is to spend all of one’s time worrying about the truly endless list of overwhelmingly large-scale and substantial stressors that are part of what ultimately seems to be the unfortunate reality of life in the 21st century.

Is it a healthy diversion to worry about such things as changing the name of a fictional starship?

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The issue of “the name of Boba Fett’s ship” truly harms no one, doesn’t impact the rise and fall of societies, does not impact people’s lives, and most important of all, is an issue that creates minimal stress; in essence, it creates a very effective diversion for the mind.
The ideology behind the name change does all those things if allowed to. Nobody's worried about Boba Fett's ship, the ship formally known as " S&#*e one." Now to be known as the symbol used by the artist formerly known as " Prince ". If you think people sit around in their mommies basement and actually worry about that, well their not. The ones who might are too busy worrying about being abducted by aliens, or finding Sasquatch, to do that. Real people are worried about the trends they see. The name change is just a symptom of a much bigger issue. Freedom is not free !
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