The six billion dollar man

I didn't see this first time around and was glad to read it now. If it takes someone reviving an old post, then so what.
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I read Kevin's script and did not like it. I did like the explanation of how the bionics worked, how his bone marrow was replaced with a liquid metal aloy to reinforce his skelital structure, etc. I did not like that they replaced both his arms when only his right one was crushed. And how they replaced both his eyes so that they could work together, etc. Also the villian was stupid and had no real purpose to the plot. Also a bunch of cyborg soldiers who pretty much all get wiped out in short order?

The script was horrible! It was so far from the original that it bared very little resemblance to what I know and love, and watch on DVD!

When studios re-boot a franchise for us, at least keep it to the source material, sure update it for a bit of modern audiences, but don't completely turn it around from what it was, shove it us and tell us, "Here it is, love THIS now!"
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