The rare Mad Max blue MFP t-shirt by Bonds. Found!

Max Replica

Well-Known Member
(Hmm, maybe I should clarify from the title of this post - I don't mean that I finally figured out which shirt was worn in the movie, that's been known for a long time. What I meant was that one of the vintage ones has finally been found by ME).

Mad Max shirt info for the uninitiated:
In the first Mad Max movie, Mel and the other actors all wore a blue t-shirt as part of their MFP police uniform. These were made by Bonds, an Australian company (very well known shirt and underwear maker down under).

Sadly, these shirts were discontinued in this color many years ago. I've tried to find a U.S. equivalent with no luck. Part of the problem is that these are raglan cut shirts (meaning the sleeve seams go in diagonally toward the neck) and in the U.S. those are impossible to find as t-shirts (I only found them as 3/4 sleeve "baseball" shirts) and on top of that, the particular blue color of the shirts is very hard to match.

You can look at some pics of my attempts to find a suitable U.S. shirt here:

I am happy to report that I am now the proud owner of TWO very rare vintage blue bonds Brand Australian t-shirts. Never worn, still in packaging. I'll be keeping one of them (thank god it fits me perfectly) and I've put the other up for auction.

Here is a photo of my new pride and joy:
View attachment 23149

And as worn in the movie:
View attachment 23150
View attachment 23151
View attachment 23152

I got very lucky finding these two shirts on eBay Australia after searching for years. As far as I'm concerned I put in the karma to get these, having bought a half dozen blue U.S. shirts trying to find the right color - and some of them I was not able to return).

One day soon I'll be posting pics of my full MFP costume - now with the addition of this shirt, it's nearly 100% authentic!
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I used to give these away. Had heaps of them. As far as I'm aware Bonds were still making these back in 1995 because that's when I had a heap thrown at me by my work. If I'd have known back then, I'd have hung on to them. I'm sure I could still get my hands on them if I made some enquiries. :)
I would suggest you make some enquiries if you can. The one I had for sale just went for over $50 on eBay.