The NEW Cylon Basestar!


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Well, it WAS mighty quiet around these parts
{ until Frank posted up his Pilot figure.. :D } but anyway
I figured it would be a good time to show off my latest
attempt at a BSG kitÂ….

While I know it’s not “ studio scale “ { CGI and all that.. }
I’ll stick it in this Forum since I am “ hoping “ a 1/2500th
scale Battlestar will show up soon to accompany this ship..

{ cough, Coby, coughÂ….. } B)

As I mentioned above this is a 1/2500th scale ship and at that scale
measures in at just a tad less than 30 inches in length.


DEFINITELY for the more serious modeler in you . LOLÂ…

Right from the get-go this has been quite the excruciating build .
Of course, made all the more WORSE by me since I wanted from the start
to have a ship that could have a lighting kit put into it to light up.
I know itÂ’s hard to tell from the fast fly byÂ’s on screen but this ship
REALLY is loaded with tons of lights and I wanted to
show that off in this model. Of course, once you start down that path you
run into a whole new world of headaches. Namely, you have to worry about
the “inside” of the model just as much as the outside during construction.

Anywho, hereÂ’s some progress shots of the thing.

I started off with the basic shape, while simple looking still VERY
hard to get everything “straight” on it and symmetrical. The “arms”
of the ship have a flattened bell shape that runs down their lengths
so that was ALLOT of fun to copy and get right.


After that was out of the way came the innards of the arms. They
presented their own little headaches. Once again, I “could” have made things
easier on myself by making the innards one or two pieces.BUT,since I was going
for lighting this thing I broke all the parts down since all up and down the
Innards light LEEKS from various areas and to duplicate that effect I had
to break up the parts. ItÂ’s actually a very slick design, as all the parts overlap
each other so it made my job easier in the sense that all the innards go
together like a long jigsaw puzzle one overlapping the next going towards the
center section.





After the innards were done came the center section itself. This one was
particularly nutty because of the Raider Launch Bays. They by themselves were
a pain because of all those “slots” for the Raiders to launch from. And again,
since I wanted this kit to light up I had to have actual HOLES in those parts
for backlighting later on and not just scribed slots. So, I got some help from
a Board member here { Coby.. :confused } who made me up some nice laser cuts
sheet of plastic WITH holes. After I got them I made some molds to cast up
some resin parts and used what I call the “ poor mans vacu-former “ to put
those casting over wooden plugs to get the desired shape I needed for the
Launch Bays. And whatÂ’s in the picture is the end result.


Next up was the fun MAKING the centere section. Since the entire center section
“flows” around those Bays, so if even ONE of them was out of whack with the
center of the ship the other two would show it. So, I had a fun time getting
them oriented to one another AND keeping them in line with the center of the ship.



There's still a WHOOOOLE bunch to do on this,
TONS of scribing to do on the " tops & bottoms "
for one. But, it's comming together nicely so far... B)

And, as always, THANKS WACKY CHIMP .
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You must have the patience of Job. Lots of engineering going on here... Awesome looking job, Kip.. :thumbsup

Thanks.... :$

I spent MANY an hour before I even started trying to figure
out HOW to break this thing up into pieces for casting. :unsure

Took me awhile, but I got it down to what I felt was the
barest minimum of parts... Well, if you count over 60
pieces when DONE the " minimum " ??? :lol

And yup LA, I have always had a love
for those organic designs. NOTHING
against the Vipers or Battlestar to be sure.

But those organic ships have that
<span style='color:red'>" sleek creepy cool "</span>
thing goin' on...

Originally posted by Wolvster1@Sep 9 2005, 02:39 PM
Thanks....  :$

I spent MANY an hour before I even started trying to figure
out HOW to break this thing up into pieces for casting.  :unsure

Took me awhile, but I got it down to what I felt was the
barest minimum of parts... Well, if you count over 60
pieces when DONE the " minimum " ???  :lol

And yup LA, I have always had a love
for those organic designs. NOTHING
against the Vipers or Battlestar to be sure.

But those organic ships have that
<span style='color:red'>" sleek creepy cool "</span>
thing goin' on...


Oh I agree. I think that's what I loved about the Vorlon and Shadow ships from B5. The way the skins..."moved"...just made them even more creepy.
INCREDABLE.......................... I past on your Raider because I had just bought Frank and Moes Viper....but this one might need to be purchased..... Tiny raiders in the slots would be neat too.

This is simply amazing.

I was just looking at the RU Basestar the other day, and found it a tad to small, so this is great news.

So many cool BG models to buy, so little money. arghhhhh .... Have to do a couple of website projects to raise the money, I guess ;-)

Lokking forward to see progress shots on this beauty.

Well thanks for that Wolvster.. I just picked up your beautiful Raider and know you do this.. Now I have to justify to a heavily pregnant wife just WHY we need a Cylon Basestar. Lovely work, as always and if it is anywhere near the quality of your Raider, I will get one. Are you going to sell these through Federation Models as well? Cheers, Chris
Originally posted by fistius@Sep 13 2005, 10:21 PM
Well thanks for that Wolvster.. I just picked up your beautiful Raider and know you do this.. Now I have to justify to a heavily pregnant wife just WHY we need a Cylon Basestar. Lovely work, as always and if it is anywhere near the quality of your Raider, I will get one. Are you going to sell these through Federation Models as well? Cheers, Chris

Fistius, I can so truly understand your situation. My girlfriend is in her fifth month, and as this is our first child, there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things to buy, so money is very short. I haven't even been able to raise the money for neither Kips Raider og Frank and Moes Viper :cry

Kip, don't you need a website in trade for a couple of kits :D

Cheers guys, and congrats on the upcoming event to Fistius.

EVENTUALLY they will be sold thru Federation Models,
but the inital run will be from me... I'm doing something
I don't " NORMALLY " do and that is I will start selling them
BEFORE I have a kit painted up and ready to show off.

I really do like to have images of a built up kit to show
BEFORE I sell so people know EXACTLY what they are getting.
But, since I am giong with a lighting kit for my own ship it will
take considerably longer to get a build DONE . So, I'll sell kit's
to any that ask before I have pic's of my own build... B)

Ok, small update..

{ And break for me as I'm getting a HEADACHE scribing panel lines.. } :lol

ALL the main ships parts are done . { THANKS THE GOD'S . } :lol



All I have been doing lately is " cleaning out " the guts of this thing to
make it more hollow. It will help greatly for lighting and make this
monster ALLOT lighter. :lol

Oh, and the current progress of panel scribing..



I REALLY hate scribing, { and compund curves are FUN to scribe over. }
but it's an evil that must be when it comes to this kit.

BTW, the arms won't look NEARLY as garish once they get the
400 grit wetsand like the center section has had.. B)

I only hope that someone
out there who is MUCH better at me when it comes to painting will send me
pic's of their build with a nice wash on it. I'd hate too see all these
headache inducing lines I'm making covered over by allot of paint... :cry

Wauw .. Can one be in love with a WIP kit. If so, then my love is torn between this magnificent WIP kit, and the WIP Raptor.

What to do, what to do.

Kip, endure the pain of near eternal scribing, and thou great projects end will be forthcoming :angel (ok, ok. I'm not the regular church goer) ;-)

Kip, it looks great. On one hand, I can't wait to see it finished, but on the other hand, I love to see these progress pics. I'ts really inspiring to see, how all you talented scratchers work.

As nice as that model is, give me the original Basestar design, the new one just doesn't have any impact, it's a peace symbol.... :cry
Shut your pie hole. :)

I love this ship. The old one is iconic, but you HAVE to admit that the new Basestar is DIFFERENT. I mean "short buss" different.

Oh...that may have been in bad taste. :(
I'm with Coby on this one.

The TOS model has a certain charm, that nothing will ever take away from them.

At first I wasn't much for the new Raider and Basestar, but where I've finally watched a couple of episodes (the miniseries + 1st Season DVD box, should be in my mailbox in a couple of daus), they've really grown on me.

I really think, that the designers have been true to the TOS designs, without making ripoffs. The new designs are truly new and inspiring.

Great piece of work.

Thanks guys, it's appreciated...

Well, except the Captain... :p

{ I keeeeed.... } :D

But honestly, I like the ORIGNAL series
designs too, I just have a preferance for
the " re-imagined " ships from the new show.

No reason ya' CAN'T like both.. B)
WOW Kip, you have out done your self. Put me down for one as soon as you start casting. Keep up te incredible work.
George :)
Ok maybe I came off wrong, your model looks topnotch, I love the new series. If a there was a model company worth anything they would license the new show and yes I would buy a model kit of the new Baseship if for nothing else to support the show. That said I still like the old Baseship better :p