The NERVE of some recasters

<div class='quotetop'>(racprops @ Sep 1 2006, 11:24 AM) [snapback]1311161[/snapback]</div>
Hmm... More tactful than I'd have been.

I got the same email. How did he get my email? Racprops, can you email me info on what this is all about?


I think you handled that well without resorting to calling him a big piece of S***. Maybe you were a bit flattered by him calling you a really big disover? :lol
<div class='quotetop'>(racprops @ Sep 1 2006, 08:24 AM) [snapback]1311161[/snapback]</div> the prop world being a recaster is like being a child molester.


Speaking for myself, I can understand that you are upset with Sidero, however to equate theft by trivializing something as serious as child molestation is a bit much. Also posting personal correspondence from non-members who cannot defend themselves or add to the conversation is not really appropriate.


If you feel Sidero has done you wrong then I would encourage you to continue to convince collectors that he is not the optimal source for a BR Blaster and that you are. Stand on your own reputation, the quality of your own product and blow off these distractions.

In the end those who want a Coyle will pay for a BR Coyle because they know what is behind it, those who want 'some BR kit' will go off and buy just another piece of resin.

Your right I was so mad when he push my face into how I helped him, I saw red.

And the threats of doing all my other models as well....

I edited the tread.



Hey, I understand I was just hoping to help put things in perspective.

No one else does what you do, don't worry about the other tier. :)

Very sorry to here that Rich..............but your work is very well known and I don't know anyone that will buy from this P.O.S......No matter how cheap his recasts. keep your head up and keep up the good work. we love what you do.. :D
don't let this looser get you down.....people like him suck. anyone can pour RTV Over someone elses work. but there is only one true's you buddy.

Ignore and move on, you must.

A 'worldbeater' you will have, if, on the new version concentrate your energies, you do.


What's the history with this guy?

What parts of the C&S did he recast? Did you get to examine his gun?
What a cheeky *******.......

Move on and delete him from your contact list and from your memory banks.

He obviously isn't worth bothering about. People here don't want second best.

Cannot wait to see the new RACPROPS blaster.
I think my favorite line was this...

" " My new version will be probably best of your one but don't worry you can continue to mine my reputation the important is that you will continue to talk about me because when the people see my work on my website and then receive the model understand why you are so upset arround the message boards. " "

I am ASSUMING that he is trying to say that HIS reputation is somehow
" greater " then YOU Rich ???

:rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

Yup, I read his little notes to you and one phrase
comes to mind...

" He's a legend in his own mind. "

Yeah, I think the best advice shared so far is to move on and forget this twerp. Not worth wasting energy or responses all. He's just trolling.