The Lovely Bones (2009)


Sr Member
Here's is the (Now) 40 Year old, Fully Functional, Kodak Camera from the 1970's that is used by Susie Salmon (Saorise Ronan) in Peter Jackson's "The Lovely Bones". The camera also supports a "MagiCube Extender" and a "MagiCube" or Flash Bulb. Also with this camera are 27 Photos taken by Susie Salmon that appear variously throughout the movie. These photos are split int 3 sets: "Harvey in the Bushes", "Susie Salmon", and "The In-Between."

Check it out!:

Tell me what you guys think! Oh, and if anyone else has any of their own props from this movie, Post them! I'd love to see them. I'm currently working on some more props from this movie like "Abigail's California Postcard", "The Photos Envelope", "Evidence Photos", "Pages from Mr. Harvey's Sketchbook", "Newspaper Articles", (Possibly) "The Moore Letter", and More!

Check back and i'll update you on my status with these other props as I work on them!

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Me & the Missus just watched this movie last night. I enjoyed it quite a bit; it reminded me of 'What Dreams May Come'.

Nice piece! Sorry if reading comprehension is not my friend, but are these screen-used or something you put together?
Me & the Missus just watched this movie last night. I enjoyed it quite a bit; it reminded me of 'What Dreams May Come'.

Nice piece! Sorry if reading comprehension is not my friend, but are these screen-used or something you put together?

I made the pictures, they aren't screenused. The camera however is an actual camera from that time period and is the EXACT one used in the film, it's not screenused however, but it is EXACTLY the same in every way. It tooks like a week of searching to figure out the EXACT camera and model and coloring that the film uses, then it took me another week to actually track one down. Lol. So worth it though, the camera is in perfect condition and it still works, I could put in some film and take pictures if I wanted too.
I made the pictures, they aren't screenused. The camera however is an actual camera from that time period and is the EXACT one used in the film, it's not screenused however, but it is EXACTLY the same in every way. It tooks like a week of searching to figure out the EXACT camera and model and coloring that the film uses, then it took me another week to actually track one down. Lol. So worth it though, the camera is in perfect condition and it still works, I could put in some film and take pictures if I wanted too.
Awesome, I like it even better now. :thumbsup
Alright guys, in the time since the thread started i've been working on a few more Props from "The Lovely Bones"! I've actually finished "Abigail's California Postcard" which was in the movie for like 15 seconds. Lol. But I got my references together (Thank you god for Blu-Ray) and finally finished the Postcard, Front and Back! All the text is screen accurate, and it's in proper proportions! Pictures! (Again, I apologize for the tagging):

Here's the Postcard in MY Custom-Made Display for it:

And here's some screen comparisons
FRONT (Mine):

FRONT (Actual Prop):

BACK (Mine):

BACK (Actual Prop):

And yes, I realize that my replica does not include the handwritten "Dearest Lindsey," text in the upper left corner, but I preferred mine blank for the time being. I might make a second copy and add the handwriting later though.

Well, what'd you guys think? It was relatively simple. The front of it is of an actual postacrd so that wasnt too hard to track down, the BACK however didn't match the actual prop so I had to get ahold of a Blu-Ray just so I could at the very least read what the back of the card said. Lol. Well thats all i've got for now, but stay tuned!

Currently, i'm working SEVERAL of the Newspaper Articles Mr. Harvey flips through in his scrapbook, articles about both Susie's Disappearance as well as artciles about her sister Lindsey Salmon. Next, i'll be doing a few ACTUAL sketches from Mr. Harvey's Sketchbook. By ACTUAL sketches i mean i'll be actually drawing them by hand, no help from the computer. So that should be fun. Well, i'll probably have newspaper articles to show you guys before the weekend is up!

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Alrighty guys, i've begun Mr. Harvey's Newspaper Articles with the "Missing Girl" Newspaper Article. This replica took my quite some time. I had to transcribe the article and every word on the page, and I also had to find suitable replacments for words that I couldn't make out. Then, once the paper was transcribed, I started putting it together, tracking down fonts, getting approximate proportions, and tracking down refernces captures. Then, i Had to track down a suitable version of the photo of Susie, do some photoshop work on it, and then, the masterpiece was ALMOST complete. I was missng the drawing up at the top of the newspaper in the Paper's title. I spent awhile searching for a suitable sketch that would be close, and I finally found one earlier today and added it in. The Article is ALMOST 100% screen accurate. The article itself is readble, and is the EXACT one seen in the film. Here's some pictures!:

The article (Including a detail shot):

The Article on Display (All graphics custom-made) NOTE: Image Leveled in Photoshopped to show clearer detail:

The Article As Seen In The Film:

Now, I plan to make AT LEAST 3 or 4 more of the Newspaper Articles kept by Mr. Harvey, once they're finished I will post them, and also begin work on "Pages From Mr. Harvery's Sketchbook" as well as redo my "Susie Salmon's Pictures Set" and try to make them more like actual photos (The ones pictures in the first post, are just printed on cardstock, but I plan to remake them, to gloss, and also to have Higher Quaility photos too) Hope you guys enjoy "The Lovely Bones" Props! Stay tuned! More to come.

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Very clever and creative work. It must take many hours but worth while when you produce something so movie-accurate.
Very clever and creative work. It must take many hours but worth while when you produce something so movie-accurate.

Yup, it even goes right down to the typos in the newspaper articles, like "chooper" and "Susansay" it's kind of funny, if you actually read the article it's a really poorly written article in my opinion. Lol. Hmmm, i need to get back to these projects. I havent worked on props in some time. Which is why this thread was so burried. Lol.

Well, i've sent an email to the artist who does the Ship-In-A-Bottles and i've asked about seeing if he can do the ship thats available for purchase thats the "Hero" ship in the movie, but make it as close to the movie one as possible. If so it'll bring my collection for Lovely Bones to:
-Susie's Camera
-"Missing Girl" Newspaper Article
-Abagail Salmon's Postcard

Now, what i PLAN on MAKING are:
-Drawings from Mr. Harvey's Sketchbook
-Evidence Pages
-Susie's Photos (Redone Set)
-Mr Harvey's Newspaper Articles
-Possibly The Moore Letter
-The Film Roles Shoebox (With Film)

I've also been doing some research into the Snow Globe, and from what i've noticed in the movie, there appear to be stickers on the bottom, bringing me to conclude it's an actual product, because there's a logo sticker of sorts which looks like a red leaf. I do know however that the props department had to make it Unbreakable so they swapped out the glass dome with a plastic dome, i'm still not sure if the props department TOTAL made this or wether it was bought and then altered for production, but using logic i'd assume it's an ACTUAL Snow Globe, because if the props department custom made it then they could've just made the dome out of plastic to begin with and there'd be no reason to swap a glass dome for a plastic dome, and yes i know FOR SURE that they had to do a swap, it was done by a prop company called Human Dynamo:


You'll notice that the same company also did breakaway copies of the Angel ornament, which they refer to as "the original ornament" so im assuming it's a real thing too.

Lol, LOTS of research, i've been also doing little bits of research about Susie's charm bracelet and have found NO leads, so i'm assuming either it's extremely hard to find, or it was custom made for the film.

Lol, thats all the updates i have for now guys. :p