It was an excellent episode. Yeah, "mishamigos" was classic Supernatural. Only that show could have pulled that story off successfully! :lol
One thing I would have liked to see would be if instead of replacing the Jared and Jensen of "our" universe would be if they had met them and then they could have played charicatures of themselves as real d*****bags
That'd have been entertaining.
I don't know about wanting the show to continue indefinitely. Every show has a shelf life IMHO and that goes for shows I really, really love like Supernatural. I really didn't expect season 6 to be any good but they've pulled another rabbit out of the hat!
I'd much rather see a show go out on a high note rather than have a couple of crappy seasons for the show to disintegrate before it's finally put out of everyone else's misery. X-Files is a perfect example of that. After Duchovny (sp?) went "part time" the show just SUCKED and the last couple of seasons were nearly unwatchable with just Scully and Robert Patrick.
As far as I know, Jared and Jensen are signed through season 6. After that, there will be a lot of negotiating and even then I'd be surprised if at least one of them isn't ready to move on to something else.
In my opinion, if one of them bails on the show, they should just end it. The show's dynamic depends on their brotherly relationship. They can handle a few episodes when one or the other is dead or whatever but not an entire season.
I could see maybe one more season assuming they both return but they should really start looking at an endgame at least by season 7 if it happens.