The Island track suit


Sr Member
I really like the track suits and shoes they wore in the movie,
were there ever any screen used versions for sale, or similar
versions for sale at a puma store or something.

my search came up empty, I did find a blog with some pics of the shoes
and track suit but lost it :p





Originally posted by saber_wielder@Jan 9 2006, 03:25 AM
is this maybe it....but in white? I don't know.Puma football

its the 10th one down in the list of apperal. looks like the colar is closer to the movie.

AFAIK the Jackets were specially made for the film and are not available. I think the trousers are available. Search the board, I think there was a topic about it.

Hope that helps
Originally posted by saber_wielder@Jan 8 2006, 09:25 PM
is this maybe it....but in white? I don't know.Puma football

its the 10th one down in the list of apperal. looks like the colar is closer to the movie.

good find . Its the same pattern but not the color scheme. like mentioned above, maybe the color scheme was specific to the movie.
well...I sent Puma an email to see if I could get the facts on it and sent them a pic to go along. just waiting to hear back from them.
well, just heard back from Puma. They said that the suits WERE custom made, and that the football shirt I have linked above is the closest they have to it. They said that the patern for that shirt was altered slightly to make the Island suit. The shoes are the only thing that was off the shelf.

My idea is to maybe buy the footbal shirt and some fabric and try to use the FB shirt as the patern. I dont know what type of fabric though...some sort of polyester?