The Invaders TV series Saucer


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am looking for some information on the studio scale Invaders ship. I need some good pics, and would like to know what size model was used, ect..... :D



Still looking for pictures of this model. Hard to believe nothing much is out there... :confused

Thanks to everyone who has helped on this subject. :)

Okay. I'll try those boards, but if anyone here has any info on the Studio model or anything. Please PM me.

Kinda off yet still on topic, there was a guest on the Art Bell Coast to Coast AM radio talk show who was on to discuss aliens and saucers.

Arts guest had a website featuring various saucers. One of the pictures on his site was a grainy picture of the Invaders saucer with people standing around it and claimed it to be a genuine picture of a Nazi experimental aircraft. The people standing around the alleged Nazi saucer were standing by incredibly coincidance, in the same postures as the figures that came with the kit. When I emailed the guy sending pictures of the Invaders kit I got a reply saying that the Invaders TV show probably found the same alleged Nazi saucer picture during their research and used for inspiration on their design.


If I find that site I'll post a link. Its crazy.
<div class='quotetop'>(TheSt.LouisKid @ May 21 2006, 09:35 PM) [snapback]1248403[/snapback]</div>
Kinda off yet still on topic, there was a guest on the Art Bell Coast to Coast AM radio talk show who was on to discuss aliens and saucers.

Arts guest had a website featuring various saucers. One of the pictures on his site was a grainy picture of the Invaders saucer with people standing around it and claimed it to be a genuine picture of a Nazi experimental aircraft. The people standing around the alleged Nazi saucer were standing by incredibly coincidance, in the same postures as the figures that came with the kit. When I emailed the guy sending pictures of the Invaders kit I got a reply saying that the Invaders TV show probably found the same alleged Nazi saucer picture during their research and used for inspiration on their design.


If I find that site I'll post a link. Its crazy.

Nothing surprises me when Art Bell kooks are concerned.
Man there is money to be made off of fools... sad.

I have the last re-issue of the Invaders saucer.
Throw a few swastikas on it... and an important piece of "history" is recreated. LOL
I was thinking of getting Exoray to do up another lighting kit for the Monogram Invaders UFO Saucer. Anyone interested?
Finding out any info on the saucer is hard. Anyone have any leads on the studio saucer or shots of it (other than the video screenshots)? I'm hitting a brick wall here.
From what I have heard is this.
The saucer was build on spec by Projects Unlimited for the Howard Anderson company.
Projects Unlimited are the same people that made the 11' Enterprise.
I believe Richard Datin had commented about the Invaders Saucer when asked about Enterprise miniature project.

Ive heard that the Invaders Saucer was 4' across.Some of my friends have said that it still hangs in someones rafters in a shop somewhere here in Hollywood.

I have my self built a saucer that is 21" across that I may make in a kit some day.I made it and never finished it but if I can figure how to post pictures I will put them up.
I just dont think anyone would want one .
Most people dont even remember the Invaders TV show.
I really liked the show.Star Trek is my first loveand The Invaders is number2.
Steve Horch

You'd be surprised. There's a small but dedicated crowd for The Invaders. I know I really, really want a buildup of your 21" Invaders Saucer with lights when you get on this one.

Who is Richard Datin? Is he someone I can follow up with to find out anything? What about Bob Burns for leads?

I've come across a photo that may or may not be a shot of the Studio Model. This was a pic sold by TVChariot a few years back at conventions. Anyone have a line on those folks??

I have those Starlog special editions and can scan the pics in. There's only one pic per book of the invaders craft and it looks like it came from a picture from someone's TV. Very grainy. One's in flight and the other looks like the infamous landing shot mentioned in the Art Bell posting.
I still only found the grainy underside studio pic. Anyone see any other studio scale Invaders Saucer pics around?

I finally did get photos of the studio saucer after a lot of detective work. I have asked Randy Cooper if he was interested in making a kit.
well done mate,just out of curiosity what is the history to the s/s model and does it it still exist?
Any chance we can see what you turned up in the way of photos of the studio model. I've been looking for years and only found 1 photo of it (it's posted on another modeling board). Love to see what you found. Thanks.
