The Forgotten Paint Up On A P1 Bio - Updated 20/10/12 Surprising Update

Double H

Sr Member
Hey guys and gals,

I can't help it, I love 'rusty, weathered' bio paint ups. I original did the 'forgotten' paint up on my AVP scar bio http://www.thehunter...663#entry341663 (creator unknown) but this time I held off with the rust feel in places and weathered it in a lil more but this is what the outcome was....




with airhose


Gonna get better pictures tomorrow, lighting was crap when i took these.

Thanks for looking guys
OK, time for a little update.

After a conversation in chat today with PredatrHuntr (thanks Jay) and some shooting of various ref pictures and advice, I decided to go back over some of the areas of rust and make them more 'prominent' and well just more rust. This time adding straight original, blended with orange and earth brown mix and streaked using a water-tipped paint brush.





And just for the hell of it, I added in a couple of shots with both the AVP Scar and P1 together



And the chain pose....




Let me know what you guys think and thanks for looking
Very realistic paint work, definately looks like the Predator left his bio in that Guatemalan swamp for too long!

Also, having those comparisons shots makes me realise just how many differences there are between the Scar and P1 bios
Very realistic paint work, definately looks like the Predator left his bio in that Guatemalan swamp for too long!

Also, having those comparisons shots makes me realise just how many differences there are between the Scar and P1 bios

Thanks man, there are alot of differences between the two. You don't really see how many to they're put together.

Nice...overall I like it, though the rust is just a little too orange for my liking.

Thanks man, after I read this I thought the same thing. So I went back over the bright orange area and blended in some brown/orange mix and dark browns . The paints actually gave the rust areas some texture and roughness. I have also 'splashed' some water down black and earth brown to make it look weathered, dropped, buried etc

Will post some more pictures on this tomorrow
Hey guys and gals,

Just recently had an inspection at my P1 bio after it has been hanging in my conservatory over the summer months (which practically became a green house and I was unable to work in it due to unbearable heat ) and I was shocked to find what had happened. The paint had not faded but the heat in there seemed to provide a 'heat treatment' causing the built up painted areas (in this case it was where the bio was made to look rusted) to crack and bubble slightly which in turn created a kick ass rust effect...


Close ups


Thanks for looking guys and gals
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Another neat lil trick is to add texturizing gels to simulate corrosion before laying down the paint. Siennas and umbers usually make for great rust colors .. And it's amazing what you can do with a natural sea sponge and water mixed in
Thanks man, will defiantly bare that piece of advice in mind when I can to repainting this up and for future paint ups that I do that follow this style. At the mo, the paint up purely consist of layers of paint etc

The colours used on the rust at the mo are brilliant orange blended with ash brown, dark brown, black and obviously dark silvers and emerald green.

Thanks again for the advice, where would be best to get them?
most place that sell acrylic paint carry them as well.. made by liquidex, they add dimension to canvas based acrylic paintings. Many different styles to choose from ..for rusts, i go with the lava or different sand gels
I like the rusted up look too Jason, ant the bio looks great. I've seen the gels that ptgreek is talking about, but had no idea what their purpose was. I'm gonna go pick some up and play around a little. Thanks!

I like the rusted up look too Jason, ant the bio looks great. I've seen the gels that ptgreek is talking about, but had no idea what their purpose was. I'm gonna go pick some up and play around a little. Thanks!


Sounds cool Brian, gonna have a look around and see what I can find and then repaint MK.2 lol will probably also do the same with armour.... happy days

I love the paint up. Huge fan of the rusty well worn look on bio helmets.

Thanks man, you don't see many of them around and I just think that the 'standard' P1 bio or any standard bio paint up has been done to death and I woanted to go with something a little different to stand out from others. That an it can blend with the armour on my pred suit lol
Thanks Paul, took your advice from earlier on and added in assorted colours of warm and dark browns. I think that the thickness that they were added in gave it and better texture applied with the heat which seemed to cause the cracking affect. Good all round lol thanks for the feeback bud
I totally agree with you that the standard paint job has been done over and over again. To me, seeing the weathered rusty type paint jobs make the masks look more authentic, like they were actually worn and it gives them an almost organic feel if you know what I mean? I think you did a bang up job on your masks.