The evolution of two 5" Plastruct acrylic hemispheres


Sr Member
Man, these things are hard to cut.

I use a drill spun blade cutter, has a bit in the centre and two adjustable blades, and it cuts even the small domes really well.

Hmmm a really big Clowns nose?

I used the dremel to cut mine and I had no problem ?

What are you building Rich ! I would have say a TIE crawler but since we're in the SS section, I think like Lee the X1 !
Common guys its so clear... a really big endoskeleton eye... Rich, they have medication for the scratch building fever you have... "MORE COWBELL!"

Common guys its so clear... a really big endoskeleton eye... Rich, they have medication for the scratch building fever you have... "MORE COWBELL!"


should have realized that all that coke would be a problem - now Rich has mutated into skynet... :rolleyes:):lol:rolleyes:):lol

Next time try this trick:

If you have the two halves taped together (as in your pic)-

Start from the outside.

I know what this is...this is an espresso machine....No, no wait. It's a snow cone maker... Is it a water heater ?