Re: The Definitive Golden Idols of Raiders
Thanks for posting that, Fyfe.
That Icons prototypel is a weird one. It has all the correct facial features but still has that headband. Did you recently purchase that? If not, then I know of two Icons idols out there. The other is in Canada.
Just for kicks, here's some comparrison pix of the Gobler to an MK and a Magnoli. I hope Minnesota Jones doesn't mind me borrowing his pics.
Gobler on left, MK on the right. Gobler is vaccu-plated, the MK, 24kt gold plated.
Gobler on left, Magnoli on right.
Noticve the differences in height and in the sculpts, specifically the eyes, nose, mouth, lips and overall shape of the head. For years (no offense to magnoli or MK) I thought that the gold plated idols were the bees knees, but when you compare them to the Gobler, you can easily see which is the more correct version. Even the angle in which they stand is different and again, the Gobler is at the right angle. Don't get me wrong, the MK and Magnoli are fantastic idols and there aren't many who wouldn't be satisfied with them. But to the die-hards, give me the best! Give me a Gobler!