The Dark Knight Tactical Glasses *Possible Spoilers*


Sr Member
Ok, I need some help IDing a pair of glasses from the Dark Knight. I saw it on Imax tonight and Gordon's Glasses really caught my attention. They are the glasses from the scene where the joker is about to unmask batman and gordon puts the shotgun to the back of his head. Unfortunately I can't track down any images of that scene from google so i'm hoping someone might be able to chime in with some.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Images of that particular moment seem to be pretty scarce. From what I can remember though, they were clear lens with black frames. They looked a lot like Oakley M-Frames, but I don't recall an Oakley brand on them. Could have been something along a similar line like Wiley-X or Gargoyle...


Thanks for the screencaps TH, the ones I tried to get last night were mud. It doesn't really look like the Wiley-X's of Gargoyles. Oakley on the other hand.....well Oakley seems to have several pairs that are a possible match. I just wish there were higher res shots of that scene.