The Cape anyone watch it tonight?


Master Member
Gotta say, very unimpressed. Probably won't continue watching it. The circus gang in the beginning went from being hardcore criminals to superhero sidekicks in the matter of what, seconds? Can't stand the costume, looks like he just stepped out of a lord of the rings movie. The villan with his lame contact lenses is just well, LAME! What did you guys think?
forgot it was on...flipped channels and saw the last 10 min of the first half. i haven't face palmed that hard in my life ever. it will be canceled but it just amazes me how such bad dialogue gets written for these shows.

please..please...PLEASE stop having these "superheroes" standing on edge of buildings and rooftops. I get it, there tragic...but damn it man be original at some point. I liked this movie better when it was called spawn/darkman/bat begins lol.
I won't lie. I like the design of the capes costume. From the design of the chest plate to the mask itself, i really like that a lot. just I wish they didn't talk like a cartoon. it's so overdone. :-/
I gave up after forty minutes. It wasn't quite as horrible as I feared, but it was still bad.
I guess I'm the only one that appreciates pulp magazine-style masked man type heroes enough to see the fun in this show. :unsure

It definitely has potential. Some of it wasted, yes... the lack of character development for Summer Glau's character bothered me, for instance... but if given a chance, it could become a fun show to watch.

But of course, it's on the Now Being Canceled Network, so I don't give it good odds of surviving.
It was painful. Kicked in the groin by a size 16 Doc Marten boot worse than that. Lorena Bobbit, painful.
I guess I wouldn't let my son (or daughter) think I was dead and then to make it worse make him believe there is a caped crusader out there, that no one else believes is real. He's going to get his own kid locked up for flipping out.
I didn't think it was quite THAT bad. Definitely not great but I'd give it a bit more time myself... I guess I'm forgiving. I hoped it'd be much better but it was really no worse than 90% of Smallville's episodes. And I can think of some other shows that were far worse - Mutant X, Nightman and Mantis just to name a few.

It probably won't last regardless but I'm going to keep watching for now.
The noob says it's got heart, and Keith David is good/predictable. Batman, batman, batman, Cape. Storyline gives too quick an arch it seems, but cleanly shaven none the less. Helps that guy from Tron/True Blood was arching. And not his back. Happy to be here foks, thanks to my buddy to pointing me here.
Keith David went from being a hardcore bad guy ready to kill the hero and drop him in the desert with his fingers cut off to his best friend? COME ON!
And Dualedge, no worse than 90 percent of Smallville? BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! Smallville's worst episode was 100 times better than this garbage.
Keith David went from being a hardcore bad guy ready to kill the hero and drop him in the desert with his fingers cut off to his best friend? COME ON!
And Dualedge, no worse than 90 percent of Smallville? BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! Smallville's worst episode was 100 times better than this garbage.

So the episode where Pete Ross chews kryptonite irradiated Stride gum in a Stride Gum factory where a rave concert with WB artist of the week One Republic is playing and he develops Mr. Fantastic stretching abilities is 100 times better? :lol ;) That was the worst hour of tv in the past decade (and the most unintentionally funny.)
I watched it last night and It's ok. I've seen better come from NBC. I just wish they thought of a better name for the hero. I don't know The Cape sounds sort of weak. I would've gone with a more menacing name. One that would strike fear into the hearts of villians. Like I have for my main character in a Comic I want to get published one day.
Night Shadow
Wow, this show is awful. There is potential but not the way they are shooting it. It seems like they are aiming for a return to the style of the Burton/Keaton Batman films or the 90's TV series The Flash but their cinematography and lighting are often so bland that it comes off as unintentional parody.

Just look at the fight scenes. They are clearly trying to emulate Batman Begins/Dark Knight (especially the scene at the docks) in terms of the dark superhero who vanishes suddenly but it's all so brightly lit that it's laughable. The kitchen fight scenes in the second episode are the worst so far. I mean he's standing there in a place that is lit like a supermarket! He sticks out like a sore thumb instead of blending into the shadows. There are no shadows for him to blend into.

The music is good on its own but is horribly mismatched with the style of the show that it mocks the show. Every time they play the hero's theme when he appears I laugh out loud.

Summer Glau was pretty good as River, but that was Firefly; everyone knocked it out of the park on that show and she had a lot of opportunities. Not so many as a reprogrammed Terminator or her brief stint as a crazy scientist on Dollhouse. Maybe she'll get to shine here, but I very much doubt that.