"The Cage"&"WNMHGB" Enterprise reference pics?


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to find reference pics of the 11 foot Enterprise as seen "The Cage" and "Where no man has gone before". Unfortunately, my search has come up pretty much empty. If anyone out there could/would help It would be much appreciated, Thanks!
Did someone say... :cool

Well there's a lot out there... here's a few from my files



Where No Man


I see a quick Google reveals that a lot of the old reference sites are gone (IDIC page, Starshipbuilder are gone, Cloudster is down at the moment...) :confused

If you want specific angles or details let us know and we can probably post up the pics you need. :cool

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Thanks Phase! :thumbsup I'm looking for some pics of the ships neck and aft section preferably showing the Nacelles end caps.

I'm also looking for a pic I saw a few years ago, it was of the ships starboard side with three of the builders behind it. I think it was when the ship was just finished and delivered to the studio.
The "delivery" photo was published in Star Trek Magazine a few years ago, along with a Richard Datin article.


Datin also still has the original wooden (red spiked) domes, there's a pic of those in the article too.

The 11-footer apparently has blank featureless endcaps during the Cage photography



The ship that whooshes by in the rarely seen Cage end credits, which has a "strip" detail on the endcap, is apparently the three-footer.


A pattern of holes was added for the "Where No Man" photograhy.


I don't have any clear photos of the dorsal neck but here's something from the WNM shoot. Note the profile of the red wooden domes, and the flattened apex where the spikes connect.


Grabs of this sequence off of the new Blu Ray discs (which I understand includes the original effects shots as well as the "remastered" CG effects) would be your best bet for Cage details... note that the Cage ship has no internal lights. The flattened forward tip of the domes is also evident.

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Also whenever you see the "left" side of the ship in the WNM configuration, note that this is actually a photographically reversed shot of the right side of the model with the NCC-1701 decal reversed. This clip is from "Mirror Mirror".



A similar sequence, with the image unreversed and with the normal decals.


This is also a reversed shot, which was used in WNM and as stock footage in "Dagger of the Mind"

WOW! :eek That is more than I could've hoped for, thank you very much! :)

That neck really is a dull blue isn't it? I've been trying to replicate that with little success. I also had no idea the 11 footer had no aft engine details in 'The Cage'. I guess AMT got that much right with their original release. :lol
I'm still up in the air about the blue on the neck. I haven't seen the CLEAR photo of the miniature that proves the issue. I can imagine blue there, and sometimes it looks blue and sometimes not. :lol

During production though it apparently did have the pale blue strip on the front part of the dorsal, as for instance in the Master Replicas. Perhaps the entire neck was that color blue at some point.

Great shots! :cool

Ah yes, the big lit rectangle on the prow of the WNM Bridge module... you know even though it's well established in TOS that the Main Viewscreen of the Bridge is NOT a window (and yet Abrams goes and makes it a literal window in his movie...), perhaps the WNM "window" indicates that they were thinking along those lines at one point.

Also the little round opening at the top of the bridge IS a window in The Cage, then becomes a lit opaque dome for the rest of the series... and then becomes a literal window again on the 1701-D in TNG! :lol

the little round opening at the top of the bridge IS a window in The Cage

I don't think the opening shot of The Cage is meant to be taken literally. I don't think they meant to suggest that someone outside the ship could look down and see the tops of people's heads. It's just a cutaway "here's where these scenes exist on the ship".
Well they sure wasted a lot of their time trying to make it LOOK literal, if that was not their intention. :lol

I dunno, I don't recall reading anything specific about that shot.. but if I understand you, you mean it was supposed to have been a "dissolve" from an establishing shot to an interior shot? We truck in on the Enterprise until the Bridge dome fills the screen, and then we dissolve to the interior angle of the set?

Because that would have been easier, made more sense, and cheaper to film (no composite with the live action)...

Even if the shot were intended to be subjective rather than literal, it becomes literal in "The Menagerie", when our cast is sitting around watching this scene on the viewer!


Then again there's another "experiment" in The Cage that doesn't quite work.. when Pike engages the hyperdrive (yes hyperdrive) and they jump to Time Warp Factor Seven (woo! :lol). we get a strange sequence where the ship becomes transparent: the background stars going by are burned-in over the image, and apparently nobody can talk because the music is so loud (here's Navigator Tyler indicating "warp 7" in sign language)


Glad they ditched that quick.. can you imagine? Every time the Enterprise has to warp somewhere, they play the theme real loud and it becomes an expensive show-stopping special effect. Why, it's kind of exactly how Roddenberry handled the saucer-separation maneuver in early TNG episodes :eek )

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Thanks for the additional pics robn1, great shots there! Yeah, I thought Abrams got the 'view screen is a window' thing from the WNMHGB version of the Enterprise, when I was a kid - I, too, believed the viewer was a window; thanks to all the stock footage used throughout TOS.

Great stuff guys, now I have plenty of material for my build! :thumbsup
I interpret the "blue" on the neck as a combination of shadow, reflected color from the blue screen, and film processing. There are enough shots that show a prevailing white or light gray overall. I finished the little Polar Lights kit as a WNMHGB, here's my results...



What? I can't hear you over the tympani. :p

Great looking model, Pink! :thumbsup


I should add that there IS a very subtle blue-gray on the leading edge of the "neck".

To test my own color choices, I would like to set up a photo series recreating something near the original studio conditions to see if I can reproduce some of the iconic shots including color tone and shadow.

The problem we all have is that there are very few natural color, unprocessed, high resolution photos of the original model. So I have to ask the question: is the CBS Digital "Remastered" GCI model considered an acceptable reference?





THIS is an interesting rework of a classic shot...