~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~


Master Member
Finished pictures. Some of you may have seen this in my Nautilus watergun mod thread, but I thought this little pistol deserved its own thread after being finished. Main differences are the leather grips and more weathering. I still want to add a brass tube connecting the scope and tank, but for now the tank hole is open.







I dig it. the leather grips pieces and lanyard ring really set it off :)

Guess I'm going to have to do something with mine now, so's to keep up with the Jones's.... :lol
What is this "steampunk" design element. I have seen a few times on the boards, and I was wondering what it is based in? or on? or what? I belive there was a comic book with that name, but I didn't read it, and I suspect it was based on something else as well. Just curious, makes everything look like something of Capt. Nemo's (at least to me.)
I was wondering what the inspiration was for everything from Ray Guns to Star Trek in this design. It seems a little "out there", not in a bad way, but very different.
Yes, laugh all you want, but last week was the first I have ever heard of Steampunk. I've seen this type of stuff in movies, but never knew it had a name or following.

I am in love with this stuff now. Its fasinating and beautiful.

BTW - Love your pistol.
just got another REALLY cool watergun base from a walmart easter basket for $4.88, ill post pics later tonight :D
Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

Just wanted to show off a few little additions I did to the Voltaic Steamer for my upcoming Halloween costume. I modified the scope mount, taking out the marble and adding a more crosshairs shaped piece. I also added a liquid filled tube on the back and crank key assembly on the side. Also added the little tassle on the grip ring. Enjoy!




Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

Nice job, Kylash. Those types of finishes are quite impressive.
Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

Absolutely beautiful!

Im working on a steampunkish gun myself.

Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

funny- I'm doing a Steampunk raygun too!
I have ordered a Weta Raygun to act as a benchmark for mine.......
A mate of mine I was at college with works for Weta, and is a very good friend of the Weta designer behind them.....
(Im liking this one BTW !)
I'll post mine up in a new thread later, unless someone else wants to go first? hehe...;-)
Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

Thanks everyone :)

Yeah I decided to add the liquid tube because of the Weta guns, i relaly liked the idea. I wish now i had made it half empty or a little dirty inside or something, just to match better.

What is that beautful gun in your icon??
Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

Thanks everyone :)

Yeah I decided to add the liquid tube because of the Weta guns, i relaly liked the idea. I wish now i had made it half empty or a little dirty inside or something, just to match better.

What is that beautful gun in your icon??

Yeah. I love those test tube elements from the Weta guns (I remember seeing that on the Animatrix movie...Trinity's gun had a test tube also.)

The gun Im currently working on will have a test tube along with a CO2 cartridge...Im hoping it turns out OK.

Re: ~| The Amazing Voltaic Steamer Hand Pistol! |~

Just finished up modifying the other gun id found, used to be a conffetti popper gun.




