Tetris: the movie

I have more faith in this than the new Bayformers movie. It's almost like the 50s where they just keep pumping out bad scifi movies only these things don't have shoestring budgets and the people making them don't realize they're bad movies unlike the 50s movies.
If I had to make a spec script for a Tetris film I'd probably make it a comedy about a guy in 1984 who slowly goes mad after getting hooked on the game. He hallucinates about blocks everywhere piling up in the street and in his yard that nobody else sees and slowly goes nuts ...

... nah. that would still suck.

Time for our catch phrase, movie lovers. ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrr...

no, no, i didn't feel like your cat just died. again..

If you a have a story that will take 3 movies, fine. BUT, I can't imagine how it can be related to Tetris! It better not have "Based on a true story" at the beginning of the movie!
Given the history of the game maybe they should make this some whacky cold war buddy comedy like Spies Like Us meets War Games.
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