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I think im gonna build a vacuform table,i want the lens like the mr black bio, like round, i think it will look good, i dont want the lens to look flat
Are you brushing the inside of the mold with your casting material, then filling it up? If not, that may be what it takes to get those airbubbles out?

Good news is im molding it, bad news is that i dont like that brush on silicone and another bad news is that the cure time is 24hr, so 1 coat for day, sheezzz!!! :(
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You have to show us Jose. Bubbles and all man... we've been waiting too long not to see it. Even with the bub's.
I will master my casting to remold, i think is the best thing i could do, its not that bad, but again i wanted it perfect, well it was my first brush on mold, trial and error they say


I can live with it, but not for sale in such a state
Bubbles Schmubbles! It's badass man. Most of those bubbles will pop off super easy! Can't wait until you offer them up. (y)
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