TDKR BANE mask pep build *almost done* /PICS

Can´t tell you how much time I have put into this yet, about 10 hours incl. cutting and everything. Purchased the foam file as well, been much faster with building the mouth piece. Unfortunately this project is on hold for now, since I have to finish my Batman costume for Halloween first. ;)

Thanks to everyone being so kind and your positive feedback.
As soon as I´ll make any further progress, I´ll let you guys know!

And yeah...this is a paper model. ;)
Firstly Brilliant Work, The pep builds take alot of time however i do think results are superb. I will be watching this thread very closely, could you possibly give us a link to the thread you purchased the pep file please. Again keep up the good work.
I purchased this file from BlackKaos, he has his own Pep file thread in the Junkyard forums.

Havent finished the mask yet, since I was working on my Batman costume for Halloween.
As soon as I have finished this, I'll post pics!

Not sure what to do with the finished pep file, though...
Resin it and mold it for castings (mask casting or bust-like).
Any kind of recommendations and tips are welcome!

hello, could you pass me the link to the plans in pepakura?



If he paid for them, then no, he can't redistribute the files, I think he mentioned where he got the files in one of his earlier posts. Stop spamming for files. That's all folks!

-The Armorer
If he paid for them, then no, he can't redistribute the files, I think he mentioned where he got the files in one of his earlier posts. Stop spamming for files. That's all folks!

-The Armorer

LOOOOL. Get um Seth!!!And he did, people just don't like to read earlier posts.
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