TDK Grapnel Gun ponder


Master Member
I've been contemplating on getting the Noble Collection's The Dark Knight Grapnel Gun for some time now and am seriously considering on getting one.

I was just curious if anyone out there had any opinions, thoughts or had one of their own that they could share with me. Is it any good? I heard the trigger moves but you can't take it out of the base.

Any thoughts? :confused
It's the cold cast porcelain version that you can't remove from the base.

The Noble Grapnel gun is metal with working trigger and comes in a wooden shadow box. It can be removed from the box fairly easily and put right back in.

Here's mine :

Pros :

- Metal construction
- Working trigger
- Amazing display case (felt lined!)
- Sharp detailing and good accuracy

Cons :

- The trigger should be the same color as the rest of the gun
- The pulling end of the slide should be black
- The screws around the trigger guard are missing
- It's quite pricey
- The paint is a tad thin in some places

Other than that it's a great replica and it displays nicely. The fact that it's made of metal makes it, to me, all the more worthwhile and that display case is just awesome.

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Just got it today! A little WD40 on the tigger made the squeak go away and it's all set and primed!

But boy, you were right about the thin paint job Mr. K. Trying to unscrew this replica out of the display case literally left chip marks everywhere, and I fear more subtle handling will make it a lot worse, which sucks because I love holding this thing.

Anyone have any ideas? I think I'm gona have to repaint this sucker pretty soon before all the paint is chipped away.
Repainting it sounds like the best option.

Carefully choose the right shade of bronze/gold and you'll give this replica a much nicer look and feel.

I don't know if it can easily be taken apart though :unsure
Repainting it sounds like the best option.

Carefully choose the right shade of bronze/gold and you'll give this replica a much nicer look and feel.

I don't know if it can easily be taken apart though :unsure

Thanks for the advice Mr. K. If I get around to it, I'll post before and afters. And I won't be taking it apart. No reason to. The only thing I really modified was the display Heck and all I did was take out two of the four hooks that hold the piece in place for easy removal, and it's still secure as a car.

For a Noble Collection Piece, this is one nice replica. A working trigger and no red coloring in the barrels? This is the same company that made that Two Face coin with the "copy" marked on it and no ravishes on the opposite side.
Agreed, the coin was crappy.

But Noble did produce some fine prop replicas like the mini mine and folding batarang.

I have them both and they're as good as the grapnel gun.

The only negative comments I could make are that the mini mine is a tad too big and the batarang could have used sharper edges/definition.

But all in all they make for a fantastic bat-arsenal display :thumbsup