TASM Fitness Thread. Get your Spidey Physique tips on exercise and nutrition here!

Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Thanks Crimzon- I probably just need to up the weight I'm using. My workouts just haven't been feeling intense enough lately. Thanks for the routine- I've been loving the 16-8 intermittent fasting style since I switched over to it about a week ago. It just feels right to me- especially during my cardio routine.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hey Crimzon, with your 12-6pm window, what part of the day do you do your workout? I ask because I want to start an IF routine, probably with the same eating window as you, but I've been seeing that a lot of people do their workouts in the morning, which isn't possible for me. My only options are either during my window, or in the evening afterwards.

Have you had or heard of any negative effects doing it that way?
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hey Crimzon, with your 12-6pm window, what part of the day do you do your workout? I ask because I want to start an IF routine, probably with the same eating window as you, but I've been seeing that a lot of people do their workouts in the morning, which isn't possible for me. My only options are either during my window, or in the evening afterwards.

Have you had or heard of any negative effects doing it that way?

Hey bro ! I Usually workout in the evening between 5 or 6 pm bc of my work Schedule but there are no negative effects if you workout past your fasting time really whatever works best with you but me personally I like to workout with something in my Stomach hahaha ....but you still get the same results as long as stick with it
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Thanks Crimzon- I probably just need to up the weight I'm using. My workouts just haven't been feeling intense enough lately. Thanks for the routine- I've been loving the 16-8 intermittent fasting style since I switched over to it about a week ago. It just feels right to me- especially during my cardio routine.

No prob bro .. time under Tension is KEY!!!! Yeah man I.F diet just works best for me i feel alot stronger and more pumped with energy .. I'm glad to see other people enjoy using it as much as I do
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hey bro ! I Usually workout in the evening between 5 or 6 pm bc of my work Schedule but there are no negative effects if you workout past your fasting time really whatever works best with you but me personally I like to workout with something in my Stomach hahaha ....but you still get the same results as long as stick with it
Sweet. Thanks for the info, man.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

I see the IF trend is going around!! I'v been on IF for almost 5 months strong with a Mon-Sat routine and a 4 hour eating window. Im about 6 ft tall weighing in at 170lbs at 8% body fat. Ramadan starts up next week so i'll be sticking to the same routine but just changing the fasting and eating windows around along with changing workout timing from morning to evening. I always lift first, wait a few hours and then eat. It'll be harder with not being able to drink any water at all until I am able to break fast, but hopefully this will def help with the last 2% of body fat i wanna drop. I'm waiting on my spidey to suit to come in, so i can start the build and then show off the hard work ;)
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

6ft at 170lbs and 8% bodyfat is great work zeemy!
Can I ask why would you want to go as low as 6%? is it for a bodybuilding show or are you planning on maintaining that low level?
I know that competitive bodybuilders often aim for 5-7% for competition day.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Like Crimzon said, you still definitely get results either way, and it's really up to you and your preferences. The only thing I did want to mention was that, according to the literature, fasted exercise resulted in the greatest release of HGH, a hormone which blunts the effects of cortisol (cortisol being both catabolic and lipogenic). My personal preference is to fast from 21:00 to 18:00 the next day. I like to get my exercise routine in around 12:00 to 13:00, in addition to following the BCAA routine reccomended by Martin of Leangains fame. Intervals (HIIT) are good for HGH as well. But, all in all, whatever works for you- by the way, are you working on losing fat, gaining muscle, or a good 'ol recomp?
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Deadlifts again last night and it's one of those exercises that I have a love/hate relationship with.

My thoughts always run like this:
During the lift: "God this is heavy, get up, up, up!"
After the first set is finished: "Yeah, I'm strong. Look at all that weight I just lifted. BEAST MODE, etc"
10 seconds later: "Aww cr@p! I've gotta do that again in a minute".

And a picture of my Saturday night cheat meal, just over 1600 calories in this burger :devil

Progress may be slow but I am feeling like I am getting steadily stronger just about everywhere apart from my shoulder lifts which seem to have stalled in the last two months or so :(.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Haha thanks bro all I really did was Intermitten fasting which is just a eating Schedule for more info on that if your interested you check out this link Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health: The Leangains Guide

But as for a workout Routine this what I'm doing now

Monday is leg days
Leg Press - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Squats - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Hamstring curls - 3 set 12- 15 reps
Leg curls - 3 sets 12-15 reps
Leg extensions - 3 sets 12-15 reps
One Legged cave Raise with weight 12-15
Smith Machine double cave raise12-15

Tuesday arm day
Preacher curl - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Barbell curl - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Concentration curls - 3sets of 12-15 reps
Tricep extensions - 3 sets 12-15
tricep kick backs - 3 sets of 12-15
Skull crushers - 3 sets of 12-15
Some times I like to throw in some close grip pull up for Biceps

Wednesday - back day
Wide grip pull ups - 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Cable rows -3 sets 12-15 reps
Lat pull downs - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Bent over rows 3 sets 12-15 reps
One arm dumbbell row -3 sets of 12-15 reps
T bar rows - 3sets of 12-15 reps
I like to do least 30 min of cardio

Thursday is shoulder and traps
Dumbbell press - 3 sets 12-15 reps
Dumbbell shrugs - 3 sets 7 front 7 side 7 back
Dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets 12-15 reps
Dumbbell front raises - 3 sets 12-15 reps
Rear delt flys 3- sets 12-15 reps
Smith Machine front and backwards shrugs 12-15 reps

Friday -chest day
Incline bench press- 3 set of 12-15 reps
Cable flies - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Dips -3 sets of 10-12
Decline push ups 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Cardio and abs at the end

Saturday and Sunday off days
While his workout sounds fine (and he's getting results), this is probably too complex for a beginner. I highly recommend the free Stronglifts 5x5. It works out from a starting point with barbells and progresses from there. Don't switch to a more complicated routine like Crimzon uses until you reach the end of the SL 5x5 program (and maybe not even then). Keep in mind SL5x5 is a strength training program not a body building program so it might not meet your needs, but I strongly believe everyone should achieve a minimum level of strength before beginning proper body building. Strong Lifts is one way to achieve that strength. If you want to do body-building I would still recommend starting with a simpler program and add complexity as time goes on.

Intermittent Fasting of the Leangains variety is fantastic. Another one that I like to use is Brad Pilon's Eat-Stop-Eat where you fast for 24 hours once a week. It's much easier than it sounds. And you won't catabolize muscle if you do some form of resistance training while fasting. Feel free to workout while in a fast. I've beaten personal records while at the tail-end of a 44 hour fast in the past.

Deadlifts again last night and it's one of those exercises that I have a love/hate relationship with.

My thoughts always run like this:
During the lift: "God this is heavy, get up, up, up!"
After the first set is finished: "Yeah, I'm strong. Look at all that weight I just lifted. BEAST MODE, etc"
10 seconds later: "Aww cr@p! I've gotta do that again in a minute".

And a picture of my Saturday night cheat meal, just over 1600 calories in this burger :devil
View attachment 203775

Progress may be slow but I am feeling like I am getting steadily stronger just about everywhere apart from my shoulder lifts which seem to have stalled in the last two months or so :(.
That burger looks delicious. I'm currently only allowed one carb-hour per week. The other six days are little more than eggs, spinach, and chicken thighs. Eating like that has allowed me to drop from 185lbs to 168 lbs in six weeks.

I've found it helpful to push through stalls with drop sets (Once you've stalled immediately drop the weight by 10-20%, push to failure, and repeat that until it's either futile or you're lifting the naked bar). They also sell smaller plates for both Olympic bars and the smaller weider-style bars. You can increase the weight with 1/4lb (0.11kg) plates for 1/2 pound increments. Eventually it becomes too difficult to increase the weight by five pounds, especially when you're dealing with dumbbells.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Like Crimzon said, you still definitely get results either way, and it's really up to you and your preferences. The only thing I did want to mention was that, according to the literature, fasted exercise resulted in the greatest release of HGH, a hormone which blunts the effects of cortisol (cortisol being both catabolic and lipogenic). My personal preference is to fast from 21:00 to 18:00 the next day. I like to get my exercise routine in around 12:00 to 13:00, in addition to following the BCAA routine reccomended by Martin of Leangains fame. Intervals (HIIT) are good for HGH as well. But, all in all, whatever works for you- by the way, are you working on losing fat, gaining muscle, or a good 'ol recomp?
Hey thanks for the tips. I'm kinda in the same boat as Crimzon though, in that my work schedule kinda limits when I can exercise.

As far as my goals, I'm mainly looking to cut fat. I've never had a problem building muscle, but losing fat has always been a struggle for me. So whenever I build muscle, I just look like I'm getting fatter. Haha. So this time around, I really want to lean out as much as possible and hopefully get some definition as I start to tone up.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Same goals here. I like a lot of what Rusty Moore has to say on the subject. As for time, I'm on summer break right now, so once school starts back up, that boat'll really be crowded, as I'll have practically no time myself, it'll be mostly diet, unless I can get up at 5:30 like last year.

Boshuda- thanks for the 5x5, my problem there is that I started an intermediate routine nack before I knew anything, so in order to get myself in a stronger position, I built up a routine based around Starting Strength, after reading it through a couple of times. Resistance is the trickiest part of getting the routine right- for me, anyway.
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Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hi there. I just did day 10 of the 30 day Ab Challenge + some squats and lunges:

50 sit-ups 50 crunches 30 leg raises 40sec plank

40 stationary lunges 40 squats another 50 crunches YTI's with 5lbs 10 reps x3...;)
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hi there. I just did day 10 of the 30 day Ab Challenge + some squats and lunges:

50 sit-ups 50 crunches 30 leg raises 40sec plank

40 stationary lunges 40 squats another 50 crunches YTI's with 5lbs 10 reps x3...;)

planks are the bomb dude, ive been doing abs everyday to try and make it to 5 minute planks, so far Im up to 2 minutes.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hey guys! Nothing really new to report picture wise. I'm just maintaining what I've got whilst my life becomes a whirlwind of obligation lol. I've been making it to the gym on a semi regular basis but hope to be back in there like a dirty shirt starting this weekend. So Fett....I'm thinkin September 4th " Rise of the Spider-men" shirts off challenge?
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

I'm in the same boat as wallcrawler, I've gotten a little leaner though
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

Hey guys! Nothing really new to report picture wise. I'm just maintaining what I've got whilst my life becomes a whirlwind of obligation lol. I've been making it to the gym on a semi regular basis but hope to be back in there like a dirty shirt starting this weekend. So Fett....I'm thinkin September 4th " Rise of the Spider-men" shirts off challenge?

I'm down with that. Absolutely! Especially because I honestly didn't lean out further from where I was before. I've mainly maintained which is not bad either but I'm ready to go harder now that we don't have that many suits to puffy and I'm almost done with my side project (Jetstream Sam). I've been spending more time shaping fake muscles than my own real ones LOL. Great work everybody else!

If anyone is interested, I maybe jumping on Focus T25. It's 25 min a day, 5 days a week Insanity type workout. I have a link for free shipping until Sunday if anyone wants it. It might be fun starting it at the same time as someone here and share some pro tips and progress.

Question - Anyone here use fitbit or any of those activity measuring bands? What are your thoughts on those?
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

I'm using fitbit's Aria scale so it uploads my data via wifi to my account. I have my nutrition all mapped out in a spreadsheet, and keep tabs on my exercise in a little notebook, so I don't bother with fitbit's actual activity tracking. My wife uses it, and found out she can walk up to 3-4 miles around her law firm's office in a day.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

6ft at 170lbs and 8% bodyfat is great work zeemy!
Can I ask why would you want to go as low as 6%? is it for a bodybuilding show or are you planning on maintaining that low level?
I know that competitive bodybuilders often aim for 5-7% for competition day.

Thanks! Well 6% is a personal goal that I always wanted to do. is not for competition but ive always wanted to do modeling/acting so I want that perfect physique.
Re: TASM Fitness Thread. "Shirts-off" Challenge continued! JULY 4TH DAY OF RECKONING!

I remember being at %10. I looked pretty much the same as at %20 :lol
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