Take one small 10 dollar Predator figure..

The Hopkinator

Sr Member
Toss in some down time... :rolleyes . Made this for a friend.I have another Im gonna do and try and find some scale netting. The figure was so cool, but the original paint job blew.
That's quite a transformation. It's always amazing what a little time, elbow grease, and talent can do. Nice work. I'm sure your friend will be most impressed.
Thanks yall,,Really wasnt anything to it,, just trimming off that lame head and chest hair or whatever it is and thowin some paint on. If you have one, its worth fixing up//
You improved the appearance of that figure 1000 percent. Really nice work.

What did you use for the "water" in the pool? It really looks wet. :thumbsup
The water effect is a trick a guy showed me a long time ago. Its this simple. Take a pane of glass or lexan, like a the glass out of a wal-mart picture frame. Paint underneath it brown. When it dries, flip it over and lay it down. Take fiberglass or foam or whatever and make the edges around your " puddle". Paint that brown too. Walla. Instant mud base with water. You can put any type of terrain on it, just leave the shape of the "puddle" uncovered. ;)
Thanks for sharing your water trick, Hopkinator. No wonder the surface of the "water" reflects just like glass. :)

Originally posted by The Hopkinator@Mar 19 2006, 03:01 AM
Paint underneath it brown.  When it dries, flip it over and lay it down.
Do you mean that you painted the brown directly on the flipside of the glass? It gives the impression of much more depth. It's an ordinary pane of glass, right, not especially thick?

That's a very cool effect.

Great tip. Thanks again. :thumbsup
Originally posted by temponaut@Mar 18 2006, 07:10 PM
Thanks for sharing your water trick, Hopkinator.  No wonder the surface of the "water" reflects just like glass.  :)

Do you mean that you painted the brown directly on the flipside of the glass?  It gives the impression of much more depth.  It's an ordinary pane of glass, right, not especially thick?

Great tip.  Thanks again.  :thumbsup

Yep. Ordinary pane of glass, painted brown on the bottom. The one I used there was just a simple picture frame from wally-world. Not thick, nothing special.
You can do blues or greens too. Its the best way Ive ever seen to duplicate water on a diorama or base. Glad i could help ya . :unsure