SW Acolyte in a tail spin

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as far as watching episodes, and I have watched all, I have come to the conclusion that Jedi are very bad at their jobs and maybe Star Wars is just not for me anymore. I am not sad or angry about it. I'm just not into the more fantastical themes and jedi-centric stories, and night witches etc...

I like the stories where Jedi/force are a side story much better.

Give me the Andors and the Solos and first two seasons of Mandalorian any day. I just tune out anymore when it comes to padawans, dark sabres, night witches and the dumbest creation...grey jedi

grey jedi is just a lazy excuse to have Sith powers without the baggage

rant over
I’ve actually been enjoying ‘The Acolyte’ and I was bummed and disappointed when I went to post for the first time in the actual Thread only to find it locked for the obvious reasons due to the expected people.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

I’ll admit I wasn’t too sure after the first few episodes, and I’ll admit it works much better as a continuous story instead of a weekly episodic format, but the last few episodes reeled me back in and I’ve begun to really enjoy the story, characters, costumes, locations, and the themes explored. I have consumed zero High Republic stuff so for better or worse this has been my only exposure to the time period.

Although I am enjoying the show I know I’ll never collect the action figures, prop lightsabers, or other merch- but that is true for most SW outside of the OT.

I had no expectations so I’m not disappointed. To me it’s basically a mid-tier comic book in live action and it’s fine. It’s easy to like if you weren’t wanting to hate it, and it’s easy to hate if you were wanting to hate it. Everybody gets what they want.
Thats my issue w it too. Its like a 3hr movie they just cut ecery 40 minutes and said it is a tv show. It isnt great, but it isnt bad either. It is just the qrong format. If you make a tv show make episodes, dont hack up a single narrative.
as far as watching episodes, and I have watched all, I have come to the conclusion that Jedi are very bad at their jobs and maybe Star Wars is just not for me anymore. I am not sad or angry about it. I'm just not into the more fantastical themes and jedi-centric stories, and night witches etc...

I like the stories where Jedi/force are a side story much better.

Give me the Andors and the Solos and first two seasons of Mandalorian any day. I just tune out anymore when it comes to padawans, dark sabres, night witches and the dumbest creation...grey jedi

grey jedi is just a lazy excuse to have Sith powers without the baggage

rant over

Gery jedi is a dumb term, true. However, the jedi and sith do not and cannot own the force. The jedi are basically a private club. Follow their rules or leave/get kicked out of the club. There thousands of system out there, you cannot tell me no one ever was passed over by the jedi and figured things out themselves.

I think the mistake was saying balance is the absense of dark. Luke literally used anger and fear to beat vader. Once that threat was issued he went off, realized he had gone far enough and stopped himself. That is balance. Everyone has a dark side. The trick is controlling it and keep it at bay. In reality, mothers lifting cars off kids is using fear to boost adrenaline to allow the to move the car enough.

Georges own words are only a sith deals in absolutes...yet, balance is the total (ie absense) of the dark?
I just wish Star Wars could come up with a better plot than Jedi are bad at their job, and everyone suffer for it

Also, it kind of feels like the more they expand the universe, the actual reverse happens and things just get smaller because everyone is connected in some way or they just rehash the same story arcs

Look at what has been most successful. I may be wrong, but things that fall outside that narrow view?
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Several of those shows like Talespin, DuckTales, X-Men, etc. came out when I was getting "too old" to watch those in the early 90s (13 in 1990). I still watched them and a friend had a couple of the Nintendo/Genesis games.
I’ve actually been enjoying ‘The Acolyte’ and I was bummed and disappointed when I went to post for the first time in the actual Thread only to find it locked for the obvious reasons due to the expected people.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

I’ll admit I wasn’t too sure after the first few episodes, and I’ll admit it works much better as a continuous story instead of a weekly episodic format, but the last few episodes reeled me back in and I’ve begun to really enjoy the story, characters, costumes, locations, and the themes explored. I have consumed zero High Republic stuff so for better or worse this has been my only exposure to the time period.

Although I am enjoying the show I know I’ll never collect the action figures, prop lightsabers, or other merch- but that is true for most SW outside of the OT.

I had no expectations so I’m not disappointed. To me it’s basically a mid-tier comic book in live action and it’s fine. It’s easy to like if you weren’t wanting to hate it, and it’s easy to hate if you were wanting to hate it. Everybody gets what they want.
Interesting that you said comic book... While watching, I'm constantly putting scenes into panels, a page or two per sequence, and thinking "if this was a comic, made in the 90's, people would be complaining that they should have done this story out of the EU"

Mostly cuz I've seen a lot of the older (and some newer) comics, and the same dialogue is there, but seems less jarring cuz it's read, not spoken by mid-tier child actors.

I've never thought of these Disney shows as a comic til this one... and I think it's the editing. It's really.... awkward. I'm seeing scenes that I just can't fathom how they didn't get completely torn apart in the edit bay. Some really really weird choices.

I've seen questionable editing before (mostly in Obiwan). But something weird with this one. This was CLEARLY not meant to be 8 episodes.

No wonder other editors like to recut these series back into the features they were probably once pitched as.

I'm almost tempted with this one as I'm still waiting for the industry (animation picture editing) to kick back on here in Canada post strikes.
Ever seen this little doc? FASCINATING, about the origins for a comic that would become one of the BEST animated series out of Disney...

Well it's over. For me the writing, directing, pacing, were all not good. The story we have all seen before a million times. It just felt like an expensive CW show in that way. Apple and Amazon have really stepped up their game, Disney needs to do the same.

someone who looks like Darth Plagueis had a cameo, if that is the case are they trying to retcon him? That should make fans happy. Ending the show like there is going to be a season 2 was a bold move for a series sitting at a 3.6 on IMDB
Gery jedi is a dumb term, true. However, the jedi and sith do not and cannot own the force. The jedi are basically a private club. Follow their rules or leave/get kicked out of the club. There thousands of system out there, you cannot tell me no one ever was passed over by the jedi and figured things out themselves.

I think the mistake was saying balance is the absense of dark. Luke literally used anger and fear to beat vader. Once that threat was issued he went off, realized he had gone far enough and stopped himself. That is balance. Everyone has a dark side. The trick is controlling it and keep it at bay. In reality, mothers lifting cars off kids is using fear to boost adrenaline to allow the to move the car enough.

Georges own words are only a sith deals in absolutes...yet, balance is the total (ie absense) of the dark?

It's also politically/tactically stupid. The Jedi have conceded half of human emotions to their enemies. No attachment no fear, no anger, all of that gets associated with "selfishness" which leaves an opening for bad actors to exploit people who feel those things.

I really enjoyed seeing that senator chew out Vernestra about it in the finale. Felt like something I'd been waiting to hear somebody say on-screen for a while.
I went into The Acolyte knowing nothing about it. I suffered through 3 eps and couldn't take any more. It's not just the social messaging or whatever you want to call it. It is poorly written. The characters are stupid. The dialogue is stupid. Everything about it is stupid and an insult to the audience's intelligence. The show doesn't seem to have been created by people who love Star Wars for what it is. I liked SW when it was this fun Flash Gordon-esque swash-buckling adventure.

I hope the poor performance of The Acolyte doesn't put Disney off wanting to invest money into the SW IP. My hope is that this serves as a message to Disney that you can't just crank out shows and assume that having the Star Wars name attached and flinging some lightsabers around is enough to appeal to the audience. Throw in some feelgood messaging to tick a few boxes while you're at it. Maybe bring George back as a consultant and just ignore some of his whackier ideas.
I enjoyed the show, I hope they make a season 2 and take the real criticisms and polish them for the next round. I hope they don't get canned and blame the fans, rather I hope the show doesn't get canned. If they want to try a new showrunner, I'm not against it but don't get cold feet and return on season 3, not that I think it needs 3 but it does need 2. I personally hate having so many interested threads open and leaving them because a show did poorly. I'd rather watch bad Star Wars shows than be introduced and left hanging.

I liked the action, acting, and mystery.

I did not like the hilts, "hair work" part of hair and makeup, and the switching up costumes. I know they switched up costumes in OT depending on the scenes, but I didn't like it when Jedi do it. For some reason I feel I shouldn't be contemplating how many outfits are in a Jedi's closet when they should behave more like monks clothing wise.

Lee Jung Jae, Manny Jacinto and Jodie Turner-Smith brought their A-game imo.

My favorite episode was 3 and biggest let down was 7. The flashbacks I felt carried the most weight of the show.
Episode 5 was *Chef hand kiss*
Jedi & balance & light & dark -

Why is does everybody think the Jedi in the PT era were representative of all the Jedi (throughout their history)?

If George Lucas had fleshed out the Jedi's history in a bigger way (like before & after his trilogies), I'm sure he would have gone down this road. He would have portrayed the Jedi starting off with a more basic & flexible set of guidelines thousands of years earlier. But as they grew more large & politically powerful, they grew too rigid & dogmatic over time. That's what led to the PT-era downfall.

The Jedi in Anakin's time did not permit any personal attachments, or any hint of anger, fear, aggression, etc. That's why their teachings had gone wrong. But I'm saying those were probably not the ORIGINAL Jedi teachings. Those represented a harmful misguided period for the religion.

An original Jedi teaching might have been "Fear & anger & aggression will be your downfall if you cannot control them." But after a few thousand years it might be morphed & hardened into: "Fear & anger & aggression must be totally absent from your psyche" which is quite different . . .

After ROTJ it would be Luke's job to get the religion back on track. To reform it. He would spend time learning about the early days and reboot it based on its healthy original core.
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Jedi & balance & light & dark -

Why is does everybody think the Jedi in the PT era were representative of all the Jedi (throughout their history)?

If George Lucas had fleshed out the Jedi's history in a bigger way (like before & after his trilogies), I'm sure he would have gone down this road. He would have portrayed the Jedi starting off with a more basic & flexible set of guidelines thousands of years earlier. But as they grew more large & politically powerful, they grew too rigid & dogmatic over time. That's what led to the PT-era downfall.

The Jedi in Anakin's time did not permit any personal attachments, or any hint of anger, fear, aggression, etc. That's why their teachings had gone wrong. But I'm saying those were probably not the ORIGINAL Jedi teachings. Those represented a harmful misguided period for the religion.

An original Jedi teaching might have been "Fear & anger & aggression will be your downfall if you cannot control them." But after a few thousand years it might be morphed & hardened into: "Fear & anger & aggression must be totally absent from your psyche" which is quite different . . .

After ROTJ it would be Luke's job to get the religion back on track. To reform it. He would spend time learning about the early days and reboot it based on its healthy original core.
Here's the problem with this interpretation. What you are taking as being a "problem" with the Jedi and their teaching in the Prequels. As being "dogmatic" and "rigid." Is exactly the same was the enlightened (Buddhist/Zen) wisdom that Yoda gives to Luke in ESB.

In which case that completely undermines the teachings and wisdom of Yoda. Because now it's 'old fashioned', dogmatic, teaching of the old order. Our hero knows better, he's in the right. Yoda's just too old and inflexible.

But that's not how the films portray it, nor how George talks about. Yoda is teaching ancient and timeless wisdom. The dark side is fear, anger, aggression, and hate. And if you don't learn to control them, they will control you, and you will succumb to them. It's not wrong to have fear, or anger, or hate. That's fine, that natural. But becomes bad when you can't keep it in balance. When you can't keep it in check.
Doesn’t really matter what the rating is. If the numbers are high.

Smith’s He-Man got review bombed, but it did great numbers. So he got a second season, and it killed… so getting a third.

I didn’t think it was as horrible as some. I def have issues, especially with editing. But I was always “hey it’s Tuesday… let’s see if this is another fun fight episode” (I really did like most of the crazy fight scenes)

But you can’t pull a “No Way Home” ending without putting in the time…

Just like when Rise of Skywalker tried to pull a Cap and Falcon “on your left” End Game moment with Poe and Lando… you can’t just copy big moments without understanding why they work.

I did like the idea of Mae and Osha… what they went for…

And by the way it ended, I’d bet this was pitched as a feature trilogy and this was always part one.

But like obi they draaaaaaged it out over 8 eps.
I got three episodes in and dipped. Which is startling because 20 years ago I would have watched and bought anything Star Wars.
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