Supernatural Colt Replica - PIC ADDED!!


Sr Member
I am gathering up as much reference as I can to try and make a replica of the Colt revolver used in Supernatural, the one made by Samuel Colt himself that can kill anything, has anyone else here made one, if so please post pics!! I have established by trawling the internet that the base model used was (or is very similar to) an 1838 texas colt paterson, its here that I am stuck as buying a replica firearm is diffiuclt enough, having that replica shipped to the UK is near on impossible, so long shot if anyone can offer any help no matter how small please do so, high res screen grabs are also a BIG help, heres the pic of what I think is the base gun, any comments/suggestions welcome, thanks alot!! :thumbsup

EDIT - I added a pic of the TV Prop for comparison
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Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

It is indeed a custom engraved Colt Patterson converted to fire bullets. The guns were designed as cap and ball, and if memory serves they took a little creative license on that partuclar aspect of the gun. :)

I don't think anyone makes an airsoft or non-firing version of this sucker, and I'm not sure a firearms company even makes a cap and ball firing modern replica either.

But if you're looking to scratch build, you can find diagrams of the gun at


Looks like Navy Arms makes a replica.

And if you go to and look for item#'s



78725442 (very detailed photos in this one)

You will find some decent photos in the auction.
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Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Thanks thats great, I have found a few replicas but they are slightly different in shape, although one italian company makes metal replicas but they are around the $600 mark, a little out of my price range, I may attempt a scratch build, does that website include measurements? I am a CNC programmer/miller by trade so I may be tempted. Thanks again
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

I didn't look through the diagrams that closely. :) I did all of 5 minutes of searching online through yahoo, and found all kinds of stuff on the gun. Give it a whirl! Check too. There are also a ton of books on the paterson revolver, and I would bet one of them has measurements, or you might even be able to get something from Colt directly.

I guess if you're a CNC miller you'd now which kind of diagrams would work better for you than I would anyway.
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Yeh thanks, thats a great site, Ive emailed the webmaster for any diagrams he can offer or failing that measurements of actual parts!! The ball is rolling :lol
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Ah great!!! The trouble is they probably wouldnt ship to the UK!!! Thanks for all the help so far, thats why I love this forum :thumbsup

EDIT Whilst I have found the perfect base for my colt IAR wont ship to the UK!! Back to the drawing board
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Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Have you tried contacting the fellow who runs to see if he carries a modelgun paterson? I didn't see any on the site, but he's always changing the content to reflect what he has in stock, and remove what is sold. And he ships from france.
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Im still looking for high res screen grabs if anyone can help, series 1 episodes 'Dead Mans Blood' and 'Salvation' would be much appreciated
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

And thus the thread was resurrected, yes I'm heading back to this project and seriously considering a scratch build, the many colt paterson revolvers I found were very expensive and seeing as its a prop that would require very skillfully detailed engraving I thought it best to try on something else first rather than ruin an expensive gun!!!
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Glad to see you haven't abandoned this. Mainly because I want one and have no idea how to achieve it. :)
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

I was actually thinking about this thread the other day, I haven't been watching Supernatural this season, but the one episode I did land on, the guy from deadwood and John from cincinatti was on it target practicing with the gun. I thought "I wonder if that RPF poster ever found his replica?"

Gotta be a way to make this project happen.

By the way, have you seen this site?

This is a fellow who makes "woodcrafted" replica guns, and he makes a patterson, but they are super expensive. Still cool to look at though.

Gunbroker has a navy arms patterson replic for sale now, pretty dang good price too. It doesn't match the show gun, but would make an excellent base for casting, then modifying to match.
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Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed Gigatron said about halfway down the page

The show model is out there provided you don't mind spending $400+ AND that you live in the US. The links I provided are actual black powder pistols aimed more towards the reenacters, cowboys, and hunters who enjoy a bit of a challenge.

The folding triggers are pretty slick.

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Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Ideally I dont want to spend that much on the base gun, I will see how I get on with my scratchbuild and go from there, Im a CNC miller so I may try and replicate some parts in aluminium but thats a way off yet :lol
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Update, Ive gotten about 75% through my scratch build using foam board and lots of sheet styrene, I have to say its looking pretty promising, I havent gotten any photos uploaded as Im on a roll and dont want to get sidetracked, hopefully have some pics up next week, keep watching :thumbsup
Re: Supernatural Colt Replica - Help Needed

Three words, man: Bring. It. On!

Can't wait to see this.