It all reminds me of the "Keaton" controversy back in 89' --- "Mr. Mom" is Batman???? what the???? A short little comedian, Batman???? Then there were people downright mad about the tumbler. One guy did a photoshop of the tumbler in the woods with a pile of empty beer cans next to the "good ol' boy" superswamper tires.
A lot of what goes into costume design in a movie has to do with the overall look of the movie itself. A good costume designer will make a costume fit in with the overal color scheme, and general look of the movie, as well as any possible story that conects the costume ala Batman begins. So, the darker red, and blue may be out of ness. due to the coloring of the movie. They might even have a thing that when hard light hits the suit, it becomes the color scheme we are all used to. We don't know.
When BB's pictures started leaking out I was sort of put off, as were tons of people, but now it's possibly the all time favorite. So, you have to give this guy a chance. Could be a turkey, could be the hot new Superman. Time will tell.