Super, SUPER Rare Trek Prop! All Collector's Help Needed


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Does anyone know where I can get an original pull of this Taurean from "Gaileo 7"?


My info so far is sketchy- I know either the original mold or an original copy is in a private collection, but I don't know whose.

Can anyone hook me up? PM me if you don't want to reply here.


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...or a pull of an original pull would work too. I just need something with a confirmed lineage to the original. This could be big- I'll elaborate later.

Sarge, let me apologize in advance as I'm going a little off topic for a second.

In the episode Galileo 7, I don't recall them ever showing the creatures face. And I've seen it several times (which always bugged the hell out of me). You mean they DID show their faces? :eek How'd I miss that???
Sarge, let me apologize in advance as I'm going a little off topic for a second.

In the episode Galileo 7, I don't recall them ever showing the creatures face. And I've seen it several times (which always bugged the hell out of me). You mean they DID show their faces? :eek How'd I miss that???

In the ep., they only showed fleeting glimpses of the creatures here and there. I don't know if they thought it was too scary for a closeup or what. :confused

I have seen smaller b/w behind-the-scenes shots showing the mask before, that match the one shown in the big color pic in the first post, but I've never seen a color shot that big and clear before.

Wasn't there a really quick shot where the girl sees one looking in the window at her for a split second? Or am I visualizing that from the old James Blish book?

Really the only time you see the face in the episode is when the thing is banging the rock on top of the shuttlecraft. You can see a few glimpses of the face as he is lifting up the foam rock.

You might be remembering from the end credits roll.

There are several still shots put up during the end credit that don't actually appear in an episode.

You might check out episodes from the first season produced AFTER The Galileo Seven episode.
A friendly bump to the top!

I always loved Janos Prohaska's work.

He died WAY to soon! :(
I believe Wah Chang created the creature, Sarge, have you tried looking for something from that angle?




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I believe Wah Chang created the creature, Sarge, have you tried looking for something from that angle?



I remember a few years ago, there was someone on here who actually knew Wah, but I can't remember their screen name. I was hoping they might see this and PM me.

There's a couple people here who have PM'd, and are asking around for me, so here's to hoping! :):thumbsup



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NEW INFO OBTAINED! I need contact info for Dennis "Danger" Mandalone, or Mike Westmore!
