I hear you guys. But, I don't see myself owning more than one finemolds falcon. I already own more than one AMT/Ertl. It looks like they may be available for a limited time (summer). I'm planning on picking up a set so that I don't have to kick my own hole two years from now when my FM falcon is done and I get some crazy new diaroma idea in the middle of the night.
Accurization is fun for me - a next step to true scratchbuilding, I hope. I am very excited for the FM release, but am still just as excited about the AMT re-release AND a summer casting of Falcon Kits. If every kit was just perfect, I suspect that I would get bored with this pretty soon - kinda like paint-by-numbers (Gosh, remember those?).
Also, I'm becoming a collector of sorts. I purchased a '77 Ertl falcon recently on e-bay JUST for the box and OLD electronics (the little styrene power switch is a trip). I've trying to get a set of Falcon Kits for so long... well, now I just have to have them.
By the way, Jack answered my e-mail in about 30 minutes. It was kinda surreal. He's never responded before. :confused
Anyway, it's gonna be a good year for the old bird - about time. Now if we could only get the same respect shown for the Tantive...