Thanks to everyone for their help.
hydin, propsculptor, darth detroit and fettster
propsculptor: I really appreciate the info you pmed me. That would have worked out perfectly. As it turned out I was able to hunt down some tinted plexiglass. I had to buy a 2 ft x 3 ft sheet. Which was ok, the guy only charged me $8 for it
fettster I do appreciate your generous offer. Thanks for offering your help.
After finding the plexiglass, then it was home to apply it. I never realised what a pain it was going to be. It took me all day (well I did stop
) cutting, sizing, fitting, then resizing, applying etc. Then again...this is all new to me. :unsure
Here's a quick couple of pics of it done. PLEASE excuse the so-so quality. I just could not shoot the picture good with the lighting and all. Also, please be gentle. I am new at this, so the weathering and all is all too new to me. I've NEVER done it before
That's why its taking me some time to do this. Its still NOT done. I have some minor painting to do before adding the leather to it. :confused
Again.. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP. I truly appreciate all your advice on the plexiglass