Sublimation ink question


New Member
Hey guys,

My mom is purchasing a sublimation system, and she was wondering if it's recommended to get the ink supply from a regular manufacturer, or if eBay is okay. Does anyone have any experiences with either way?

She is getting a CISS (Continuous ink supply system) for sublimation.

On that same note, does anyone know a place that has a good price on ink?

Thanks a lot,
you're probably better off getting the proper stuff as you know what its made of.
the stuff on ebay is .. if its a no name brand then who knows whats in it
If she's buying the system new, she should be set up with a supplies account from the vendor that sold the system. I wouldn't pay top dollar for the equipment and then cheap out on the supplies. What's the point? Not gonna have a Giclee done on newsprint, why have a Dye Sub if the inks are cheap. Real products come with real warranties and guarantees. Refills can save you money, but Refills don't always save you money. Cheap inks are the same. I've learned that the hard/expensive way. Once you use the thing for a while you'll know what you can cut corners on.

Here's what it is:
Don't cheap out on ink. You get what you pay for with that stuff.

I ran a graphics department with four printers for the tradeshow exhibit business. Made tons of prints.

Plus the first two runs of Time Bandits maps here.