Stunt FX Helmet - Work in Progress


Sr Member
I've been looking and asking on how to cut the FX bucket face plate with the stunt frown. It looks like it's formed with the stunt "indentations" on the frown and I didn't know if there was a way to cut the correct stunt configuration. I figured there had to be a way, but I'm not sure where the teeth should be.

Does anyone have a template, words of advice, pictures? Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The ANH Stunt's and Hero helmets had the same faceplate, just different frowns painted on. I'm no authority, but while each helmet will go together with miniscule differences, there were only differences in the paint scheme.

FX helmets typically have "Stunt" or longer frowns on them anyway. It's entirely possible to paint a Hero frown on them too.

Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

The FX faceplate has 3 "dents" on each side where the teeth would be. I'm not sure where to put the 4th since the 3 dents are already "formed" in the face plate. I want to cut the teeth out, and on my other bucket I used the dents as the guide for where to cut my teeth. I agree, there should be plenty of room, but I just don't know where to put them in conjunction with the preformed dents.

Does that make sense?
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

sure, here is the unfinished faceplate. You can see the 3 "dents" per side. No clue where to put the 4th.

Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Correct the FX faces are kind of Hero style in the fact they have the same number of teeth as the Hero helmets.
I would suggest just use your other Stunt helmet as a guide just judge where they should be the measurements of the FX are way off the movie sized helmets so there really is no hard and fast measured position just put them where they look right.
Personally i would just slap it together stick it on ebay and put the money towards a more accurate helmet kit.
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

I would not cut more teeth than there are indentations for on that helmet. It is not an original cast, so no need to worry about accuracy, imo.
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Correct the FX faces are kind of Hero style in the fact they have the same number of teeth as the Hero helmets.
I would suggest just use your other Stunt helmet as a guide just judge where they should be the measurements of the FX are way off the movie sized helmets so there really is no hard and fast measured position just put them where they look right.
Personally i would just slap it together stick it on ebay and put the money towards a more accurate helmet kit.

My other helmet is a hero, so I can't do that either. I know it's not an accurate helmet, but I didn't know if there was any way to convert a FX to a Stunt frown. I would prefer the stunt frown since it's going to be a TD. At least I can "try" to make it as correct looking as possible (for an FX). I know I should just go with a better bucket, but....

Would it just be better to get a stunt template, and bondo all the indentations to start over? I hope not, cause that sounds like a real PITA.
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Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

My other helmet is a hero, so I can't do that either. I know it's not an accurate helmet, but I didn't know if there was any way to convert a FX to a Stunt frown. I would prefer the stunt frown since it's going to be a TD. At least I can "try" to make it as correct looking as possible (for an FX). I know I should just go with a better bucket, but....

Would it just be better to get a stunt template, and bondo all the indentations to start over? I hope not, cause that sounds like a real PITA.
Well... the difference between the stunt and hero is how you paint it - not how many holes have been cut. The hero is painted with a tiny frown, whereas the stunt is painted all the way to the tubes. That should set them apart. No need to be cutting anything you don't need to...

(Btw: your font color is pretty difficult to see on the default skin)
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Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Here's a pic of my old (and since sold) FX Stunt bucket...


Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Sweet. so you just added an extra tooth right at the end of the frown correct?
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Well... the difference between the stunt and hero is how you paint it - not how many holes have been cut. The hero is painted with a tiny frown, whereas the stunt is painted all the way to the tubes. That should set them apart. No need to be cutting anything you don't need to...

The stunt helmets do have extra teeth cut out Carsten
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Sweet. so you just added an extra tooth right at the end of the frown correct?

More or less...

Wanted to keep the distance roughly the same between each tooth, but the 4th would have been waaaay to small if I had done that...

Moved it back up a bit, so that it didn't look too out of place, but was big enough to see it.

As for stunt helmets.... the number of teeth varies. If you find the pic of AA/SDS back in 197x with all the trooper lids stacked up, you'll see that some have 5, and a few have 6 teeth cut into them !!
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Some stunts had only three teeth cut out.The Stop That Ship helmet only has three teeth cut out.
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Excellent info all. This is good stuff. I really do want to try to get 4 vents on each side.
Mark, do you have any more shots of your frown. I know you don't have it anymore, but I'm not sure if you had some more shots. Anyone else tried this before? Any more words of wisdom?
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

Mark, do you have any more shots of your frown. I know you don't have it anymore, but I'm not sure if you had some more shots.

Sorry bud, that's the only decent pic I have with the 4 teeth... Have plenty of when I first built it with 3....

IMHO, the best thing to do is mark with a pencil where you think the 4th tooth should go... make it big enough, and see if it looks ok. If not, rub out and move it slightly.

Basically trial & error to get it right. Once you get both sides looking ok, cut them out. Take your time as they are only small holes. Use a small drill bit first, then needle files to get the size & shape.

You'll probs have to repaint the frown afterwards anyway... Humbrol #5 is the correct colour, or to match the FX decals, go with #156.
Re: Stunt FX Helmet - Is it possible?

i would probably just eyeball it. look at some reference pics, mark it out lightly with a pencil, and then just cut it on out.
I've been working on my stunt FX.

I decided to try and put it together a little differnetly. I never liked the FX seams, so that's what I've been working on.

I know it's a FX bucket, but I'm a bondo rookie, and thought it would be good practice for future projects that I have.

Please ignore the frown paint, I just used it as a reference for the frown as I worked.

I still have some work to do (minor filling and sanding) Hit the entire bucket with some primer, final coat, then start to get it dirty...

Let me know what you think for a new bondo user.





no flash




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