Studio Scale Cylon Raider


Well-Known Member
Here's my V2 Raider that I finished building about a year ago. It's been on hold and I'm working on the painting now. Below are a couple of pics of the paint as of tonight. The full build diary is on my site here: dbhs modeler home and shows the tweaks I made to adjust it to match the raider shown previously on the Cloudster site. I'll be using that particular studio model as a guide for the finish and weathering.


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LOL - I'm a user, not a pusher.

This is the Mike Salzo V2 resin kit that came out a while back.
Looks fantastic, can't wait to see the weathering, it will really make the details "pop"....been a long time since i saw one of these built up...
Thanks for the feedback, guys. This one's been a blast to put work on. With it on the home stretch I'm trying to not let my enthusiasm to finish it cause me to rush and make any stupid mistakes.
Thanks guys.....
Ok, now we're getting to the really fun part. (been waiting to get to this point)

Tucked away in an obscure drawer at work I found a stash of vintage Chartpak graphic tape exactly like the stuff used to do the Cylon insignias on the studio Raiders. As luck would have it the glue on the tape was petrified and useless but I was able to find some new Chartpak tape in nearly the same color. I saved a sample of the old stuff for reference and the new tape is just a slightly darker shade of green. The decals that came with the kit are almost an exact match for the vintage tape, BTW. Props to the kit makers !!

I decided to go ahead with using the new tape for the insignias to get it just a little closer to replicating the original studio model. The insignia is on there slightly crooked intentionally. I scaled the images of the original in AutoCAD and made a template to get the size and placement as accurate as I could. It took a while to get this one on in just the right place. Will do the other side tomorrow night.

Thanks for looking.


Insignias done on both sides.

Masking for the ghosted-in insignia on the main hull.

The graphic tape is stiff enough to not want to stick where the surface is curved up so I painted the insignia on the damaged wing.

Here's an update with the medium gray details painted in.



And with the damaged wing attached.

I love the scowled expression on this thing.

And with the soda can for scale.

I like the see-through effect on the damaged wing.
Beautiful work on an impressive kit. I especially love the tape insignia detail; that's something I would have never thought of doing.
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
Looking like a busy week coming up so I doubt I'll get to the main weathering soon. Maybe a little time to start painting the details in the damaged wing if I get a chance.
Thank you very much for the comments.

Just a little weathering going on so far. Getting it dirty feels so good.

Man, that is beautiful!. The detail will really pop when youv'e applied all the weathering. I guess the tricky part is knowing when to stop & not over-do it?.
Awesome work Bro, looking forward to seeing her looking dirty!.:love