Ah once again an uninformed rumor posted about the Narcissus.
Let me spell it out for you one more time.
Back when they were doing Alien war they wanted to use some of the original props from the film. Just so happens that a container at Heathrow airport was storing most of the hero costumes and props from the film. These pieces were liberated by the Alien War people and some pieces were taken that they weren't allowed to take.
Regardless, Fox nor Jim Cameron never filled a police report and the container was later emptied and the contents shipped to Fox.
So you see the Narcissus was taken and is used in some of the video shots in Alien War, so it was on the allowed to be taken list.
After it was used, someone did liberate the piece and most of the props in private hands. In other words if the studio doesn't know you have that original prop, most likely it was liberated (stolen) by someone that worked on the film or dug it out of the trash.
Some have heard that it was stolen from Bob Burns. That is an outright lie and Bob burns will tell you that himself. He was promised the piece by Jim Cameron. When the piece was taken from the container, it never resurfaced.
So being promised something and actually owning it were two different things.
It was offered to Bob Burns before I even considered buying the piece, but he didn't have the cash to pay for such a high priced piece.
Once I bought the Narc I offered the piece to Bob Burns, but after paying $5000 for the piece, he didn't want to reimburse me for the prop.
Instead he wanted to give me some props in trade, which would have been fine, but what he wanted to give me was no where near what the Narc was worth or even what I paid for it.
Anyway, I bought the Narc way after the limitations had run out of the liberation of the Narc. Believe me I checked and even notified Fox and Bob Burns when I bought this piece.
And as for putting tells onto something, if I didn't do it some of the replicas I was making back in 95' would be passed off as originals.
Archive this thread, it's the last time I will tell the Narc story.
You can believe what you want, you can ask Bob Burns, but the piece was legitimate and was never stolen, unless you consider that original prop you got from a buddy under the table as stolen.