STTE Communicator (Star Trek Experience Comm)


Sr Member
Hello all,

I finally picked up the Star Trek Experience Communicator and I am looking to spruce it up. I wanted to remove the paint from the the grill and dull down the finish slightly on the body.

Does anyone have a tutorial on taking it apart and then instructions on what I should do to make it more accurate? I searched the RPF a bit and only found one thread that only briefly mentioned.

If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.


Your best bet is checking the Trek forums over at ASAP.

For the grill people have used a wire brush in a dremel tool. For the shells some people give them a rub down with fine steel wool.

The aluminum plate under the control knobs can be replaced with a thicker aluminum plate, and the moire ring and mid-plate can be brushed out or polished for a better finish.

But check in at ASAP first.

Thanks Arthur.. I truly appreciate the heads up. I didnt even think of ASAP :)

Take care,
