Strongest casting resin?


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone!
I need some help. What is the strongest casting resin available? I know, thats a dubious question, but I have a hush-hush project I am working on, and I need something that can hold it's shape, that can be color dyed [opaque], and is not soft, rubbery or brittle. I prefer a 1:1 ratio material, urethane is fine, epoxy is better. All I need is strong. Think aluminum properties, and you got it. If I could make the part from JBWeld, that might work, but I can't.

Suggestions on a very rigid, strong, but not brittle resin? There will be some machining involved, threads mostly, and some stress points, hence the need. Also, shrinkage needs to be a minimum.


Well, thats a secret, but here are some basic dimensions:

8 inches long, 3.5 tall, and about 2 inches wide.
I am not sure how well it would work in a mold, but Lab Metal from Alvin Products is a fairly strong material.

Thats cool stuff! Thanks for the link. Interesting it's aluminum filled, heat cured epoxy putty. I don't know if I can get that into the mold but might be worth a try.

Any more suggestions?

I'm trying to avoid the expense of experimenting with a dozen different products only to learn none of them meet my needs. I'd like to knock the list of potential materials down to 3 or less.
