Still looking for SW studio-scale replicas


Sr Member
The indy film production of "05-25-77" is looking for a few remaining studio-scale replicas for their upcoming production. Right now they need a 2' X 2' section of the DS surface and a desert speeder model. If anyone can help please PM or e-mail me at charles at starshipbuilder dot com

The new Profiles in History catalog is auctioning off some DS surface panels. They have some good pics of various sections. I've heard there is a pdf of the catalog available, but I don't have a link for you. Let me know if you can't find it, and I'll scan the page up.

Originally posted by masterjedi322@Jul 15 2005, 09:25 AM
The new Profiles in History catalog is auctioning off some DS surface panels. They have some good pics of various sections. I've heard there is a pdf of the catalog available, but I don't have a link for you. Let me know if you can't find it, and I'll scan the page up.


Right now on E-Bay they are auctioning off several surface tiles and have decent pictures of several different ones up with the auctions.